Monday, December 28, 2009

April Dunford: AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Association of Product Management and Product Marketing AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers winner April Dunford, the Principal Consultant and CMO of VersePoint Consulting and writer of the well known Rocket Watcher blog, other finalists and entrants in the Battle of the Bloggers discuss their blogs, the contest, and their businesses. Representatives of AIPMMwill be on hand to discuss the organization, the contest, and the importance of business blogging to their members and to other business people. Learn blogging tips and ideas from April Dunford, and from successful business bloggers.

April Dunford, and other representatives of the AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, December 29, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Association of Product Management and Product Marketing AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers winner April Dunford of the highly regarded Rocket Watcher blog, other finalists and entrants in the Battle of the Bloggers discuss their blogs, the contest, and their businesses. You will learn:

* About AIPMM and Battle of the Bloggers

* How to develop and maintain a successful business blog

* How to keep a business blog fresh and exciting, and packed with new ideas

* How to gain traffic to a blog beyond Google

AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers winner April Dunford (photo left) is the Principal Consultant and CMO of VersePoint Consulting. She has been doing Product Marketing for over 15 years and her background is a mix of experiences at both early stage start-ups as well as large global companies. Her specialty is bringing new technology solutions to market.

Previous to founding VersePoint, April was the world-wide Director of Incubation Marketing at Nortel, a global provider of telecommunication equipment and a leading provider of solutions for Unified Communications. During her time at Nortel, April helped launch Nortel’s Incubation Program to help foster innovation and tap the potential of Nortel’s over 30,000 employees.

Prior to joining Nortel, April spent several years at IBM as Program Director of Information Integration solutions. In this role she drove the creation of IBM’s Information Integration strategy and launched IBM’s first offerings into the Information Integration space. April also lead the strategy work for the market segment that resulted in several acquisitions by IBM.

Prior to joining IBM, April Dunford was Worldwide Director of Marketing for Financial Services Products for Siebel Systems (acquired by Oracle corp.), the market leader for Customer Relationship Management Solutions. She was also Director of Product Marketing for Janna Systems, a start-up in the Customer Relationship Management space where she launched their first product into market and helped increase revenue by over 10 times in one year. Janna was acquired by Siebel Systems in one of the largest value transactions for a software company in Canadian history.

April Dunford has a degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo.

Thanks to Allison Clark who set up this multiple person interview.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Association of Product Management and Product Marketing AIPMM Battle of the Bloggers winner April Dunford, the Principal Consultant and CMO of VersePoint Consulting and writer of the well known Rocket Watcher blog, other finalists and entrants in the Battle of the Bloggers as they discuss their blogs, the contest, and their businesses. Representatives of AIPMMwill be on hand to discuss the organization, the contest, and the importance of business blogging to their members and to other business people. Learn blogging tips and ideas from April Dunford, and from successful business bloggers on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For by Roy M. Spence Jr. - Book review

It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For

Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose

By: Roy M. Spence, Jr., with Haley Rushing

Published: February 5, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 336pp
ISBN-13: 9781591842415
ISBN-10: 1591842417
Publisher: Portfolio/Penguin Group

"At the intersection of the passions and strengths of the organization and the needs of the world stands a great purpose". writes Chairman and CEO of GSD&M Idea City, Roy M. Spence, Jr., in his electrifying and visionary book It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose. The author believes that a company's journey and vision should begin a clear understanding of the difference that you want to make in the world.

Roy Spence understands that a company and its leadership not only must have a purpose, but must establish its values and what it believes in, that truly make a difference in the marketplace. At the same time, the company's leader must become a purpose of great purpose to fulfill that destiny. The organization must also bring that purpose to life, giving your constituents and stakeholders a clear recognition of exactly the values and purpose, that the company stands for in the world. Roy Spence describes a company with a purpose as great places to work with self assured employees and happier customers. A company with a sense of purpose will survive and profit in any economy, as its reason for existence is essential to the lives of its customers.

Roy M. Spence, Jr. (photo left) has interviewed and worked with hundreds of leading companies and organizations worldwide. The author shares a powerful set of ideas for developing a clarity of purpose within an organization. One concept is revisiting the past of the company, and discover why its founders created the company. Examine all of the things the company or organization does, and find out why it carries out some initiatives, and not others. Learn what you and your employees are truly passionate about, and focus on where your company can be the best in the world. Ask your customers why your organization, products, and services are vitally important in their lives. Communicate the findings and the purpose to everyone both in the organization and on the outside, so the vision and purpose can be shared with everyone.

For me, the power of the book is the passion that Roy Spence shows as he describes an organization with a clear sense of purpose, for making the world a better place. Combining theory with a practical road map for achieving a sense of organizational purpose, the author demonstrates that a company, its leaders, and its employees can have a visionary purpose in the marketplace, and how to find that sense of passion. Roy Spence shares the experiences of many visionary companies, and how their own sense of purpose has turned their organizations into world leaders. Not only is a vision and a passion powerful for changing the world and peoples' lives, but Roy Brown shows those, companies to be more profitable, with more engaged employees, and more satisfied customers.

I highly recommend the positive book for how a company can indeed change the world It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose by Roy M. Spence, Jr., to any leaders, entrepreneurs, managers, or executives of any size of company, who want to discover the visionary passion within their own organizations. When a business develops a clarity of purpose, and has a real desire to change the world in a positive way, that company will succeed in any business environment.

Read the essential and must read book It's Not What You Sell, It's What You Stand For: Why Every Extraordinary Business Is Driven by Purpose by Roy M. Spence, Jr., and bring your company's true inner purpose to life. Discover the vision and passion that will propel your company, its employees, and its customers into a better world and a happier and richer life.

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Travis Bradberry: Self-Awareness - Author interview

Award winning author, emotional intelligence expert, and President and co-founder of TalentSmart, Travis Bradberry, Ph.D., was kind enough to take the time to discuss his authoritative and enlightening book Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction.

Travis Bradberry shared his insights into the background of the book, and the critical importance of understanding personality in career and personal development. He dispels some well known myths, and shares his insights into why a person must develop self-awareness, to better utilize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses, in one's own personality.

Thanks to Travis Bradberry for his wonderful and insightful answers.

What was the background to writing your book titled Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction?

Travis Bradberry: The impetus for this book surfaced more than a decade ago, in the form of a perplexing question batted around amongst a group of industrial psychologists, “Is there a universal characteristic that makes people successful?” With no answer in sight, this conundrum needled our curiosity. We decided to launch a study to find out. We assembled a team of statisticians, programmers, administrators, and psychologists to execute a global search for the universal source of talent.

Aptly named the TalentSmart study, this quest operated outside the confines of an underlying theory—any preconceived notions as to what produces success would only muddy the waters. TalentSmart took a broad brush and measured the scope of people’s skills, motivations, and opinions. We observed their behavior at work and at home. And, perhaps more importantly, we noted the choices people made and measured the results that followed. An overarching determinant of success, should it exist, could only be found by separating the actions that get results from those that are inconsequential or even harmful.

The TalentSmart study grew steadily with each passing year, and by the time it was complete we had profiled people on every inhabited continent. This enormous data base contains millions of pieces of information that represent the input of more than 500,000 people in 94 countries. (See Appendix B for details of the study sample.) At the heart of Self-Awareness are the discoveries from this effort. And, yes, the answer to our question ultimately surfaced, but not before we had stumbled upon two revelations that fly in the face of what people have been told their entire lives will make them successful: your personality sets your direction in life and the greater your self-awareness, the more able you are to use personality to achieve your fullest potential.

How do you define self-awareness?

Travis Bradberry: Self-awareness is not about discovering deep, dark secrets or unconscious motivations, but, rather it comes from developing a straightforward and honest understanding of what makes you tick.

Why is self-awareness such a critical, but often overlooked skill?

Travis Bradberry: Guided by the mistaken notion that psychology deals exclusively with pathology, we assume that the only time to learn about ourselves is in the face of crisis. We embrace those things with which we’re comfortable, and put the blinders on the moment something makes us uncomfortable. But it’s really the whole picture that serves us. The more we understand the beauty and the blemishes, the more we can put them both to work to achieve our potential.

Travis Bradberry Ph.D. (photo left)

People are told they can be who they want to be. You disagree with this conventional wisdom. Why?

Travis Bradberry: In our homes, schools, and the workplace we’re encouraged to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and be the person we wish to become. Success, we’re told, is a matter of choice. The incredible flaw in this well-intended advice? We actually have very little say in the matter. Like a massive boulder tearing down a hillside, our destiny is set in motion by our personality—a set of behavior traits we all possess in varying degrees. Like the tendency towards introversion or extraversion, these traits influence how we think, how we feel, and ultimately what we do.

Each of us has a personality profile, which reflects our own unique blend of the personality traits, and is produced by hardwired paths for thinking in the brain. By the time we reach adulthood, these paths are fixed. They serve as the conduits by which our brains think; the mental funnels through which our choices must flow. Personality is a collection of our motivations, needs, and preferences that serves as a blueprint to our strengths and weaknesses—each individual’s “code” as it were.

Your research goes much farther than the standard nature versus nurture debate as well. How does your research differ from that discussion?

Travis Bradberry: That discussion is a rather outdated one, so Self-Awareness proceeds with the understanding that we now know how much of our behavior is dictated by genes and how much by our environment. By the time you enter adulthood, your personality is fixed. Both nature and nurture have run their course, so you're only going to benefit from getting to know your personality and increasing your self-awareness.

How important is personality in determining our lives and career choices? How can personality determine our strengths and weaknesses?

Travis Bradberry: Think of it this way: If personality is fixed, then what is the point of knowing it? To be honest, we scratched our heads over this one for a good while. Personality was not the blanket predictor of success the study was seeking. True, it dictates the bulk of our behavior, but we found that successful people come from a mixed bag of personalities—they represent each of the 14 types equally. Top performers may not share the same personality profile, but they do have one critical thing in common: an acute sense of self-awareness.

Will understanding different personality types lead to a greater self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses?

Travis Bradberry: People high in self-awareness are remarkably clear in their understanding of what they are capable of doing well, what will motivate and satisfy them, and which people and situations they should avoid. As self-awareness increases, people’s satisfaction with life—defined as their ability to reach their goals at work and at home—skyrockets. In the workplace, 83% of those high in self-awareness are top performers. Likewise, just 2% of bottom performers are high in self-awareness. Why is this so? Those who understand their preferences and tendencies are far more likely to pursue the right opportunities, put their strengths to work, and get results. When we learn the ins and outs of our ingrained style for responding to challenges and opportunities, we discover the situations and people that will make us successful. Self-awareness unlocks your personality code.

TalentSmart logo (left)

How can understanding personality traits in other people help in making good decisions and avoiding costly mistakes?

Travis Bradberry: Conflict between people is an inevitable part of work, and its presence has warning signs. Successful managers beat the odds by heeding these signs, looking within their group, and striving to understand the various personalities sitting at the table. Understanding your team does more than help you avoid conflict, it helps you use the strengths of each team member to achieve the greatest results possible. As we discussed previously, people don’t naturally develop an objective understanding of their strengths. A manager who educates and understands her team has a powerful and enduring influence upon the success of the group.

How many different personality types have been outlined from your large research study and how can a person find out their own personality type and profile?

Travis Bradberry: Fourteen broad types with subtle variations within each type. It's essential to take the IDISC assessment (and the reason we included an access code within each copy of the book) to know not only your type, but also the nuances of your profile from within that type.

What is next for Travis Bradberry?

Travis Bradberry: Well, my new book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 is doing phenomenally well. It's striking a chord with people because things are so challenging these days since the economy collapsed and the housing bubble burst. We're being asked to do more with less at work, and we're facing a host of new challenges at home. Emotional Intelligence 2.0 illustrates the other critical component of the TalentSmart study, emotional intelligence, and it does so by delivering 66 strategies readers can use to increase their self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management skills. Like Self-Awareness, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 comes with a test, but in this case the test is our Emotional Intelligence Appraisal assessment.


My book review of Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction by Travis Bradberry.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction by Travis Bradberry - Book review


The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction

By: Travis Bradberry, Ph.D.

Published: October 2009
Format: Paperback, 224pp
ISBN-13: 9780399535314
ISBN-10: 0399535314
Publisher: Perigee/Penguin Group

"Personality is the tool that can pave the way to success, or leave you inexplicably stuck", writes emotional intelligence expert and President and co-founder of TalentSmart, Travis Bradberry, in his authoritative and enlightening book Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction. The author challenges the conventional wisdom, that anyone can be whatever they want to be, as false. Instead, Travis Bradberry demonstrates that personality is established by adulthood, determining a person's future.

Travis Bradberry bases his contention, that personality holds the key to our talents, strengths, weaknesses, and personal blind spots, is based on a decade long global study of over 500,000 people. As a result of this extensive, in depth analysis, the author asserts that personality traits are fixed and that they control a person's behavior. At the same time, an individual's understanding and self-awareness of these critical personality traits, point to that person's future success. As long as a person understands their personal strengths and weaknesses, and is aware of their advantages and limitations, self-awareness will lead to success for that individual.

Travis Bradberry Ph.D. (photo left) expands upon the well known Marston four DISC personality types, that include Dominant, Interpersonal, Steady, and Conscientious. The author applies his enhanced IDISC personality test results, that expand the number of personality types from four to fourteen, to help individuals to understand their own personality types. Travis Bradberry recognizes that personality types are fixed by the time a person reaches adulthood. As a result, he emphasizes the importance of self-awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of one's own personality traits. Because the traits don't change, an awareness and understanding of those traits can give an individual an advantage on their own journey to personal success.

For me, the power of the book is how Travis Bradberry bases his conclusions on hard research data. His IDISC personality testing, conducted through his TalentSmart website, is available to readers of the book. That unique opportunity to discover one's own personality traits, and to develop self-awareness through understanding personal strengths and weaknesses, provides the reader with a powerful advantage at work, in career planning and development, as well as in personal relationships. The book not only describes the fourteen personality types, but also outlines practical advice for working with and managing the fourteen personality types as well. The combination of practical advice and theoretical background makes this book an important one, in the areas of personality assessment and interaction, between various personality types.

I highly recommend the important and insightful book Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction by Travis Bradberry, to anyone seeking to better understand their own personality type, and for working with people of similar and very different types of personalities. The insights gained from this book will provide the reader with the tools of self-awareness to capitalize on individual personality strengths, and minimize those character weaknesses. The result will be a more rewarding and successful career.

Read the essential guide to understanding personality traits Self-Awareness: The Hidden Driver of Success and Satisfaction by Travis Bradberry, and discover how your own self-awareness. Learn and understand your own personality type through the practical tests provided by the author, and better recognize the personality traits in the people around you at home and work. The sense of self-awareness is empowering, and gives you a real advantage in starting and developing your own career success.

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Larry Harris: And Party Every Day - Author interview

Larry Harris, co-author of the fascinating and definitive book on the on the story of the meteoric rise and fall of the legendary music company Casablanca Records, And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records, was kind enough to take the time to answer some questions about his remarkable and must read book.

As former Senior Vice-President of Casablanca Records,Larry Harris has an insider's perspective on the innovations, as well as the extravagant behavior of Casablanca's legendary founder and driving force Neil Bogart. Larry Harris also describes some of the artists and bands whose names became synonymous with that of Casablanca, and shares his experiences in the fast paced and ever changing music industry of the 1970s. Indeed, Larry Harris, along with Neil Bogart, and everyone involved with the famous Casablanca record label, had an integral part in the creation of what is now remembered as the 1970s lifestyle.

Thanks to Larry Harris for his time and his intriguing and informative answers.

What was the background to writing this book And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records?

Larry Harris: I still work with radio in securing exposure for people and products and I am always asked about Casablanca stories, as the label was very famous(infamous) in the music and radio industry. People kept telling me that I should write a book. About ten or so years ago I began to write, stream of consciousness, what I remembered. I would write a bit and put it away and then a year or so later write more. This went on for a number of years and then about 3 years ago I sent off a rough draft to a number of agents and they all turned me down.

A little over two years ago I got an email from my soon to be co-writers asking me to identify some people in a picture that Lydia Criss (Peter Criss’s ex-wife of KISS fame)was using in a book she was writing, we talked about my book and they jumped at the chance of working with me on polishing my draft. Again, we were turned down by about 20 publishers until Mike Edison from Backbeat Books said he loved the story and just keep in my voice.

Neil Bogart, head of Casablanca Records, is the focal point of the book. How was his force of personality instrumental in the formation and meteoric rise of Casablanca?

Larry Harris: Neil was everything to Casablanca. He was the creative and financial genius behind everything we did. His enthusiasm was contagious and he was always positive even in the most dire circumstances. His instincts, while not always on target, were usually correct and he had the knowledge of every aspect of the music biz to make this work. Neil was a big gambler, if he went to Vegas it was not Blackjack or Roulette he would play but Baccarat where bets were in the many thousands of dollars.

This gambling part of his personality was what keep the company going and thriving during most of its history, but also what eventually helped to bring it down. I have met numerous people who maybe had contact with him once or twice and felt they were close friends with him. He just had a demeanor that made people very comfortable with him immediately and a personality that left an very positive impression on those he met.

What was it like to be an entrepreneurial start up company in an industry dominated by giant corporations?

Larry Harris: We were always fighting against the giants, kind of like a David and Goliath mentality- This actually was the mindset at Buddah Records the forerunner of Casablanca. We always felt that we were the little guy who had to face up to the bullies. Even after we became very successful we kept the staff always on the defensive, constantly railing about how we had to beat Columbia, Capitol and Warner Bros. Not only did we have to fight the big guys at radio but once we left Warner Bros. to go independent we had to fight them at retail as well. Being the new guys on the block we had to make people believe in us and our artists and through, just plan force of will, our promotional backgrounds and damn the torpedo’s attitude we did.

How did the famous outrageous and over the top promotions of Casablanca artists like KISS, Parliament, and Donna Summer build the company reputation?

Larry Harris: From day one with KISS we began to get a reputation as fun outrageous and creative. The Casablanca coming out party at the Century Plaza Hotel was an example of over the top craziness, it was the most expensive party ever in the music biz just to launch a label with Camels, a ton of props from the original motion picture and celebrities everywhere. In 1974 it cost $100,000 and that was really big bucks. When no group would let KISS open for them we decided to bring them into markets we felt important, as headliners, and pay for everything ourselves or guarantee to cover any loss a promoter may have. This went far past normal tour support, we actually paid for all the advertising of the shows (normally record companies never do that). This was a band we believed in and we were going to make sure everyone knew that.

We did the same kind of marketing and promotional; thrusts with Parliament, although they were a self contained show in themselves so it was a bit easier and less expensive, but their show was just as outrageous as the KISS shows. Donna Summer was different, she was not so much a visual act as the others so we spent more on building her image through advertising and TV appearances and club exposure- Donna standup, numerous TV shots on all and any shows we could cajole to have her on. We also began massive trade publication advertising and publicity pushes that kept the company name ( not just the artists, marketing the company was as important as the artists) out in front of the industry. Having our sales and promotion people as stars, not just the artists, was part of the plan, and it worked.

Looking back, was the power of Casablanca as the driving force in disco music was both a blessing and a curse?

Larry Harris: Yes. Being the perceived leader in a genre of music, in this case disco, was great when it came to that area of the business, but it also hurt us in other areas. We tried very hard to sign Marshall Tucker Band but they just could not get passed our disco rep. This happened with a few artists like that. It also helped us with getting the best disco artists. The Village People came to us because we were the #1 disco label and so did others. Santa Esmeralda (they only had 2 hits but sold about 4 million records) also came to us due to our disco reputation. In hindsight relying so much on one genre of music eventually hurt the label.

Casablanca was a company with tremendous income and cash flow, yet never was really profitable. Are there lessons for start ups in cash management to be learned from the Casablanca experience?

Larry Harris: Once again you have to look at what Neil wanted to accomplish. Half the company was eventually bought by PolyGram with the stipulation the other half was to be purchased after 5 years at 5 times earnings. Neil felt that he now had PolyGram’s money to play with and build a label with tens of millions of dollars in profits and being the gambler he was he was willing to shoot the entire load on accomplishing that. If it failed so be it, he had 7+ million dollars from selling the first half and he was going to roll the dice to become really rich and famous. The company had to grow to accomplish this and it did.

We had various divisions including a Kids division, a book division, a film division and division devoted to making records for McDonalds and art division to name a few. We kept adding staff and not just anyone but the best proven talent around. Our press and promotion departments paid the highest salaries and gave the biggest perks in the industry. We never stopped spending on the labels image. Neil loved he saying paint the building, which meant that you had to show a successful front to the world constantly, so we kept painting and repainting the building. At one point we made ourselves believe the success was never going to end and we just kept pushing the envelope, it finally broke but it was a great ride while it lasted.

Larry Harris (photo left)

Casablanca experienced the classic problems associated with rapid growth. How were these problems resolved, or were they an important part of both the rise and fall of the company?

Larry Harris: Would we even be doing this interview if the label just sat back happy with the success of KISS, Parliament and Donna Summer. I think not. We were on a roll and considering Neil’s personality and drive he was not about to sit back and just take the success in and not move forward and capitalize on it. Yeah, it would have been smart to take it a bit slower and build up reserves for a rainy day, but that was not what this company was about. Maybe slower growth would have extended the life of the company, but it was the 70’s, the go for broke 70’s, and we were the poster child of the era.

Casablanca expanded into other ventures and industries. Did these offshoot ventures help or hurt the company as a whole?

Larry Harris: As I mentioned before we had various divisions some successful, some just never grew out of their infancy. The film division was very successful with academy awards and Grammy winning movies and scores. We were just about to launch the McDonalds line of products for happy meals when PolyGram stepped in and pushed Neil out (they would have been very successful as they were wonderful). The BookWorks and ArtWorks divisions never had the time to take hold so who knows what they may have produced. I believe the offshoots helped the company rather than hurt it. The only negative from them may have been the took some resources from the pure music side but I don’t think that really had an effect on the outcome.

What is the legacy of Casablanca as a company and its impact on the industry as a whole?

Larry Harris: The legacy- That a company, existed in the industry, that broke most of the rules and became successful in doing so. We created promotional and marketing tools and ideas that were envied and copied for decades. After writing the book I heard from a major label President that he uses the book in staff meeting to show what could be accomplished by thinking outside the box and taking some calculated chances. He probably also keeps in mind the pitfalls we ran into. Only two labels in history have had people going into record stores and asking what was new on that label, not mentioning an artist, and those were Motown and Casablanca. Motown took decades to accomplish this, Casablanca, only a few short years.

How has the music industry changed since the hey day of Casablanca Records?

Larry Harris: The industry is totally different, radio is different, the entire distribution system is different- DJs used to be able to choose what music they played, or at least the music director or program director was able to do so, no it is all corporate and done through focus groups- Record companies help to build artist careers and stick with an artist for numerous records. An artist selling 50,000 albums would not be dropped because it was not enough of a profit (we could make a profit on 20-30,000 units , not much but still a profit. Today that would not be acceptable to the major labels. The Internet and downloading has changed the playing field as has all the different ways to download music- MP3s, iTunes, Napster type sites, music on your cell phone and on and on it is a totally different industry.

Would Neil Bogart have been on the cutting edge of the industry as it evolved into MTV, different musical genres, new social media, and music downloading?

Larry Harris: As I mention in the book, Neil would have had a division of the company just for MTV, with offices on the adjoin floor. He would have probably bought Napster the day it reared its head and been a force in that arena. He was definitely fascinated by technology and would have embraced it quickly. He would have been an early believer in Rap music. Major labels are always slow to embrace new genres in music they come in with big money to buy artists after the genre has already proved itself, they did it with Rock, Disco, Rap, Grunge they are never the trailblazers, and if there was one thing Neil was he was a trailblazer. As for social media, who knows, but I like to believe that he would have found a way to promote and manipulate the Facebooks and My Space’s to help market his music and projects.

What is next for Larry Harris?

Larry Harris: I am still working with music and other products using radio to help secure exposure for them. I am working on a disability and aging radio show. I am working with Autism organizations in conjunction with Major League Baseball to help bring awareness to the problem. I am also considering writing a book about my experience in owning a major comedy club, the Seattle Improvisation, during the comedy club heyday in the 90’s. I always have my eye out looking for new and interesting projects to get involved with. Hopefully there will be a movie based on the book, I should know about that soon.


My book review of And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records by Larry Harris, with Curt Gooch and Jeff Suhs.

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And Party Every Day by Larry Harris - Book review

And Party Every Day

The Inside Story of Casablanca Records

By Larry Harris, with Curt Gooch, Jeff Suhs

Published: September 2009
Format: Hardcover, 256pp
ISBN-13: 9780879309824
ISBN-10: 0879309822
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation

"The story of Casablanca is about more than just Neil. It was about the 1970s. I take that back - it wasn't about the 1970's. it was the 1970s. It was the story of the music industry in the go-for-broke Me Decade", writes former Casablanca Records Vice-President Larry Harris, in his fascinating and definitive book on the on the story of the meteoric rise and fall of the legendary music company Casablanca Records, And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records. The author takes the reader on a non-stop thrill ride through the sex, drugs, and rock and roll that personified the 1970s music industry; and nowhere was the hedonistic, over the top lifestyle more apparent than at Casablanca Records.

Larry Harris shares his experiences as part owner of Casablanca Records, along with the charismatic and creative genius Neil Bogart. The company began as an independent record label in the early 1970s, and soon became the most influential name in the industry. Through outrageous and extreme marketing ideas, free spending on image and extravagance, Neil Bogart and his crew thrust his industry leading acts into the music spotlight. Neil Bogart, along with the author and the other members of the company, turned KISS into a national phenomenon, through groundbreaking promotions and ahead of their time stage productions. The same innovative marketing techniques propelled the careers of Parliament and the Village People. Disco sensation Donna Summer was the leading performer in her genre, thanks to the creative work at Casablanca.

Larry Harris (photo left) recognizes that not everything worked out as planned by Neil Bogart and the Casablanca team. Constantly short of ready cash, the company teetered on the brink of bankruptcy for years. Not every act turned into gold and platinum records, and very often the company's extravagant spending backfired on the company. The strength of Casablanca Records, as it dominated the quintessential 1970s disco scene, was both a blessing for the company's finances, and a curse. The end of the disco era placed the Casablanca fortunes into extreme jeopardy. At the same time, the extravagant spending, and lack of cash management were destroying the company from the inside. Through it all, the company spearheaded by the visionary Neil Bogart established marketing and promotional techniques that would become industry standards for decades.

For me, the power of the book is how Larry Harris shares both the good times and the bad times in equal measure. In a book that is difficult to put down, the author describes the excesses of the lifestyle of the 1970s. For Larry Harris, Casablanca Records had a huge influence on the creation of that extravagant and hedonistic 1970s way of life. The story of Casablanca Records is part biography of company President Neil Bogart, part insider expose of the music industry of the time, and part guide to the thinking and activities of the 1970s. Readers of the book from a business perspective, will learn how to think creatively in any industry, and become an innovator that will turn even a small company into an industry powerhouse. At the same time, the author's unflinching descriptions of the financial and attitudinal mistakes that caused the downfall of Casablanca, are an object lesson for entrepreneurs and managers alike.

I highly recommend the seminal and must read book on Casablanca Records And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records by Larry Harris, to anyone seeking an insider look into the music industry of the 1970s. Loaded with personal and celebrity anecdotes, confessionals, and the triumphs and failures of a brilliant entrepreneur and a cutting edge company, the book contains something for every taste. One thing is certain, the book is a page turner from beginning to end.

Read the important and insightful book And Party Every Day: The Inside Story of Casablanca Records by Larry Harris, and travel back in time to the 1970s, when excess knew no bounds and the music industry was the definitive industry of that extravagance. You will never look at the music industry, its larger than life executives, and the tumultuous 1970s in the same way again.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bruce Piasecki: The Surprising Solution - Blog Business Success Radio

Listen to Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio

Founder and President of the American Hazard Control Group and author of the important and visionary book about the role of corporations in shaping the future through innovation The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World, Bruce Piasecki describes why social responsibility is critical to long term profitability and sustained success. Bruce Piasecki shares what he calls the S-Frontier based on the swiftness of information, the severity of global problems ranging from climate change to oil prices, and the need for business people to become what he calls "social response capitalists". To succeed in the coming decades, a company must be on the upswing of the S-Frontier and create innovative products and services to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Bruce Piasecki is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, December 22, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Founder and President of the American Hazard Control Group and author of the important and visionary book about the role of corporations in shaping the future through innovation The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World, Bruce Piasecki describes why social responsibility is critical to long term profitability and sustained success. You will learn:

* Why corporations can best address environmental and social issues

* How better products will solve the problems of globalization

* How the S Factor works and why it's critical to understand its importance

* How new forms of corporate leadership will impact how people think and live

Bruce Piasecki (photo left) is the president and founder of AHC Group, Inc., a management consulting firm specializing in energy, materials, and environmental corporate matters since 1981.

Bruce is the author of seven seminal books on business strategy, valuation, and corporate change, including the Nature Society's book of the year, In Search of Environmental Excellence: Moving Beyond Blame. His articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, Technology Review, and the Christian Science Monitor. His latest book, The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World, was released in November 2009.

Since 1990, Dr. Piasecki and his staff have run hundreds of benchmarking workshops for numerous multinational Corporate Affiliates, involving key executives in site remediation, power markets, emerging issues, and governance concerns since Enron.

With his Corporate Environmental Strategy book attracting the attention of change agents and board members in his client and affiliates network, Dr. Piasecki has moved the field of environmental and energy strategy closer to financial markets and mainstream financial diagnostics. The AHC Group, Inc. has done this through a series of key alliances, including a multiyear agreement with Innovest and Island Press.

My book review of The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World by Bruce Piasecki.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Founder and President of the American Hazard Control Group and author of the important and visionary book about the role of corporations in shaping the future through innovation The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World, Bruce Piasecki as he describes why social responsibility is critical to long term profitability and sustained success. Bruce Piasecki shares what he calls the S-Frontier based on the swiftness of information, the severity of global problems ranging from climate change to oil prices, and the need for business people to become what he calls "social response capitalists". To succeed in the coming decades, a company must be on the upswing of the S-Frontier and create innovative products and services to meet the challenges of the 21st century on Blog Business Success Radio.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

The Surprising Solution by Bruce Piasecki - Book review

The Surprising Solution

Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World

By: Bruce Piasecki

Published: November 2009
Format: Paperback, 316pp
ISBN-13: 9781402214509
ISBN-10: 1402214502
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc.

"The basis of the conversation is this: I now believe that the best path to that common goal of a better world resides in the rising role of large firms to build better products", writes Founder of the American Hazard Control Group and management consultant Bruce Piasecki, in his important and visionary book about the role of corporations in shaping the future through innovation The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World. The author makes a compelling case that while major corporations wield tremendous power, and must and will assume a leading role in social responsibility.

Bruce Piasecki moves far beyond the flat world concept often associated with globalization and multinational corporations. The author acknowledges that the global economy has created both winners and losers, but he considers the single minded cost cutting approach to globalization has ended and is no longer effective. In its place, Bruce Piasecki presents the concept of the S Frontier based on the following critical factors:

* Severity of Market Factors
* Swiftness of Information
* Social Response Capitalism

Bruce Piasecki (photo left) recognizes that the American public views globalization in a different way from people on other continents. For the author, the key to creating Social Response Capitalism is through innovative products and services, and not through government action and regulation. Bruce Piasecki sees the synthesis of environmental thinking, with corporate innovative skills, will lead to bridging the gap between these often polarized worldviews. The author states clearly that the new frontier of globalization is already a reality and its impact is being felt globally. Through ending the narrow thinking of old style capitalism and intrusive regulatory environmentalism, the resulting innovation in products and services will benefit all of humanity.

For me, the power of the book is the bold stance that Bruce Piasecki takes on the importance of combining corporate power and ideas with social responsibility. Global information moves at the speed of electrons in the modern world, placing information at the fingertips of everyone on the planet in seconds. The author recognizes the Severity of problems facing the Earth, including Peak Oil and global climate change, and the tragedy of narrow profit only thinking on people around the world. Bruce Piasecki offers a powerful and profitable alternative to both capitalism and socialism, through creating a better world for everyone. The author points out that his Social Response Capitalism alternative is not only better for people and the planet, but is also more profitable as well, providing the best of all worlds for humanity.

I highly recommend the insightful and thought provoking book The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World by Bruce Piasecki, to anyone seeking a more human approach to the growing and critical issues facing the world today. Through the power of creative thinking, and by offering innovative products that provide real solutions to problems, both the global population and the large corporations will benefit in both the short and long terms.

Read the idea packed, yet very practical book The Surprising Solution: Creating Possibility in a Swift and Severe World by Bruce Piasecki, and discover some very exciting and empowering ideas for solving the problems associated with globalization. Learn how to think in terms of better, instead of thinking about more, and how that change in thinking will lead to a more creative, more sustainable, and more just future for everyone on the planet.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Say Hello To The Elephants by Tony Rose - Book review

Say Hello to the Elephants

A Four-Part Process for Finding Clarity, Confronting Problems, and Moving On

By: Tony Rose

Published: December 2008
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN-10: 0981823505
ISBN-13: 978-0981823508
Publisher: RSJ/Swenson LLC

"There they were, the elephants in the room: problems I didn't want to confront, problems I didn't know how to confront, and problems that seemed too big to tackle" writes founding partner of Rose, Snyder & Jacobs and management adviser Tony Rose, in his practical, business problem solving book Say Hello to the Elephants: A Four-Part Process for Finding Clarity, Confronting Problems, and Moving On. The author describes problems as elephants that need to be approached with clarity, and shares his proven techniques for confronting problems and finding solutions.

Tony Rose recognizes the danger of failing to confront problems. If left alone, problems will often find their own outcomes that may be disastrous for both people and the organization. As a result, the author considers it imperative that problems be greeted as opportunities for positive action and change. The book presents a four quadrant matrix for problem analysis that focuses on the following important steps:

* Clarity,
* Solution
* Implement
* Sustain

Tony Rose (photo left) understands the difficulty of addressing the elephants in people's lives and in their businesses. To confront these huge problems, the author recommends assessing the problem, in terms of defining the goals of what is desirable, as a result of solving the problem. With this clarity of purpose in place, workable solutions to achieve those goals can be formulated. When a suitable solution is identified, a plan for its implementation can be set in motion. After the solution is implemented, a plan can be developed to sustain the goals recognized in the search for clarity, that is both flexible and in line with those key goals.

For me, the power of the book is how Tony Rose addresses the serious issue of confronting and solving the most difficult problems in life and business. At the heart of the problem solving aspect of the book is the powerful four quadrant matrix, that enhances focus on the critical elements of the problem solving process. The author's key concept of finding clarity based on individual goals, and not a one size fits all solution, gives the book universal value. Any problem, large or small, can have the four quadrant approach applied to it, even if the problem had seemed unsolvable in the past. The practical, proven techniques presented in the book are bolstered by wonderful and often very humorous anecdotes, that help to reinforce the inner logic of the system.

I highly recommend the essential problem solving and goal achievement book Say Hello to the Elephants: A Four-Part Process for Finding Clarity, Confronting Problems, and Moving On by Tony Rose, to anyone seeking a powerful, results oriented method for addressing the most difficult business and personal problems permanently. Through the author's approach to achieving clarity of vision, no problem is beyond solution. Instead of letting problems become worse, or reaching their own disastrous conclusion, this book teaches a positive and pro-active for reaching success.

Read the indispensable success oriented book Say Hello to the Elephants: A Four-Part Process for Finding Clarity, Confronting Problems, and Moving On by Tony Rose, and remove those elephants from the room forever. Instead of fearing being trampled by an elephant, you will be welcoming them as opportunities to fast track your business and personal success.

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Wow by Frances Cole Jones - Book review

How to Wow

Proven Strategies for Selling Your [Brilliant] Self in Any Situation

By: Frances Cole Jones

Published: March 2009
Format: Paperback, 224pp
ISBN-13: 9780345501790
ISBN-10: 0345501799
Publisher: Ballantine Books

"The you that you know yourself to be when you're at your best. Because that's where the wow is", writes corporate coach and founder of Cole Media Management Frances Cole Jones, in her no nonsense book on winning presentation How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Selling Your [Brilliant] Self in Any Situation. The author shares the secrets to building success, in any aspect of business and life, through enhancing your personal presentation.

Frances Cole Jones shares her proven techniques for selling your best self in any situation. With wit and illuminating anecdotes to underline the concepts, there is a valuable idea presented on every page. In the end, the author doesn't want a person to pretend to be someone else. She points out that unauthentic presentation fails because it isn't genuine. Instead, the book is filled with ideas for presenting one's very best self at work or in social settings. For Frances Cole Jones, having the confidence to to be calm and self assured at all times, leads to success in every area of business and in life.

Frances Cole Jones (photo left) doesn't share her advice lightly. She has proven in her own successful business, and through her coaching of hundreds of executives, that her concepts work in all business settings. The author recommends preparation and proper personal presentation as the basic building blocks of success. When these elements of presentation, which the author considers essential and non-negotiable, are in place, a person is ready to meet any challenge in business or in life. The author recognizes as well that every person is unique and brings a different set of strengths to the table. As a result, there are no hard and fast rules that everyone must follow. Instead, Frances Cole Jones provides the framework for achieving success in any walk of life.

For me, the power of the book is how Frances Cole Jones presents her extensive amount of material for better presentations. Ranging from personal presentation, to job interviews, to public speeches, to written and social skills, the book covers almost every possible business and interpersonal situation. In all cases, the basic concept of presenting your best personal self with confidence and a calm demeanor will result in success. The book is set out in very short chapters, each one emphasizing a different aspect of presentation. The book doesn't have to be read in chapter order. Indeed, the book is designed to be opened anywhere, to glean the necessary advice for a specific presentational challenge. As a result, the book is ideal for keeping as a handy resource, for future reference as needed.

I highly recommend the highly practical and very useful book How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Selling Your [Brilliant] Self in Any Situation by Frances Cole Jones, to anyone seeking to improve their personal and professional presentation strategy by leaps and bounds. By following the proven techniques shared in this powerhouse book, anyone can enhance their presentation skills and achieve much greater success in business and social settings.

Read the indispensable reference book How to Wow: Proven Strategies for Selling Your [Brilliant] Self in Any Situation by Frances Cole Jones, and create a powerful and lasting impression whenever you give a presentation in any situation. Discover your best personal self and achieve success with anyone all of the time.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Leadership In The Era Of Economic Uncertainty by Ram Charan - Book review

Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty

The New Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult Times

By: Ram Charan

Published: December 2008
Format: Hardcover, 160 pages
ISBN-13: 9780071626163
ISBN-10: 0071626166)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional

"Management challenges don't come any bigger than this. It's not just your business or industry that is in a downturn; the entire global economic system has been wounded", writes best selling author and renowned business thinker Ram Charan, in his important and action oriented management book Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty: The New Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult Times. The author describes the need for taking action to strengthen a company during the current economic recession, and provides a practical and powerful prescription for taking that bold action.

Ram Charan understands the need for swift and decisive action during an economic crisis. He recommends several key areas, at all levels and departments within an organization, where action can be taken to strengthen the company. The author believes it is critical, in times of uncertainty, for a leader to take decisive action, get all members of the organization on board with the vision, and put the plan into action. For Ram Charan, not taking action and behaving as if the crisis is not going to affect the company, is a recipe for disaster. The author shares the decisive actions of several leading CEOs, who did not succumb to paralysis, fear or inaction. Their bold initiatives not only prevented disaster, but established a new vision, that will carry the company forward when the crisis era ends.

Ram Charan (photo left) focuses on all levels and departments of a company. He zeroes in on the essential need to conserve cash flow. He provides several examples of how to save cash, and to build up cash reserves, through a combination of changing market emphasis on growth to profitability and on cost saving measures that don't affect the ability of the company to carry out its core business. The author recommends that leaders get to understand the inner workings and day to day operations of their companies, to initiate necessary change in a timely manner. Ram Charan also considers a time of uncertainty the ideal time for front line employees to pay closer attention to the needs of their customers. This deeper understanding of customers will help with better pricing policies that benefit cash flow and long term stability.

For me, the power of the book is how Ram Charan combines the reasons why strong decisive action must be taken in a crisis, with how to carry those plans out in a positive way. The author considers a time of uncertainty to be a perfect time to take bold initiatives toward reducing unnecessary costs, conserving cash, and reassessing any major spending plans. The book also provides a wake up call to company leaders in the executive suite and boardroom that there is still a need for sound business practices. Those basics include a full understanding of how the company operates, how the supply chain works, where research and development have their focus, and how sales and marketing function within the company. At the same time, Ram Charan recognizes the need for understanding the customer as vital to the company's survival and future profitability.

I highly recommend the essential guide to managing in difficult times Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty: The New Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult Times by Ram Charan, to anyone seeking a better understanding of the need for both vision and bold action in the time of crisis. The advice for not only surviving an economic downturn but thriving is both practical and easy for any leader to apply.

Read the valuable and inspirational book Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty: The New Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult Times by Ram Charan, and discover not only the importance of taking bold action, but how to put a vision in place and carrying it out successfully. In today's difficult economic environment, this book is a must read for business leaders in companies of all sizes and in every industry.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tom Hudson: Co-Host PBS Nightly Business Report - Interview

Tom Hudson (photo left), the new co-host of the prestigious PBS Nightly Business Report was kind enough to take the time to answer a few questions on his new career. He describes his journalism background, his plans for the show, as well as shares the privilege of working with the respected Susie Gharib. He also talks about the unique challenge of following in the footsteps of business journalism legend Paul Kangas.

Thanks to Tom Hudson for these wonderful answers and for taking the time to share them with us.

All my best to Tom Hudson on his success as new role as co-anchor of PBS Nightly Business Report.

How did you get started in financial journalism?

Tom Hudson: After spending 10 years working as a radio news anchor, reporter and manager covering general news, I grew increasingly interested and curious about covering the connective tissue of many news stories…money. Having been an investor since my teenage years, I always had a personal interest in finance and during the late 90s stock market rally, I was given more opportunities to explore the markets and money.

I left full-time radio anchoring and reporting in 2000 for a position with a start-up WebFN, which was the first streaming video financial news website. While the timing may not have been perfect (I started three months after the top of the NASDAQ in March 2000), it did provide me with the chance to report from some of the most dynamic, complex and integral markets in the world. I spent many of my days at the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, seeing how regulatory, legislative and corporate policies impact money in real time.

What led you to join PBS and become part of the prestigious Nightly Business Report team?

Tom Hudson: PBS and Nightly Business Report have a tradition of journalism excellence and innovation. Previous to joining NBR, I spent the previous six and a half years creating and building a national commercial TV personal finance program, First Business TV, where I was host and managing editor. The opportunity at NBR is one of those once-in-a-lifetime moments. NBR created and has set the standard of financial TV reporting for three decades. I am humbled and excited for the chance to work with such a top-notch team. Replacing Paul Kangas is not a duty I take lightly. I am committed to continuing his standard of excellence.

How would you describe your journalistic style for reporting stories and interviewing guests?

Tom Hudson: I aim for information gathering and elucidation. I aim for clarity and accountability. I aim for insights and clear analysis. I aim for foresight and accurate reflection.

Money is the last taboo and I try to uncover and demystify financial forces big and small, making them relevant and relatable to our audience.

Do you plan to make any changes, in conjunction with the producers, to the format and content of the show?

Tom Hudson: The mission of NBR will not change and that is to empower its viewers. Beginning January 4, 2010 we will have a new look with new sets in Miami and with Susie Gharib the New York Stock Exchange. We also will begin using some new technology which will enable us to tell stories in new ways.

What challenges do you foresee in the future for your new job as anchor on the show?

Tom Hudson: The first will be getting used to humidity in January. Coming from Chicago, not having my shovel at the ready through April will be a big change.

One of the biggest challenges will be patience. Paul has been involved with NBR since its beginning and the audience has a strong affinity for him. His work is legendary. It will take the audience some time to get to know me and get used to the new look coming to NBR in January. While Paul may be leaving the anchor desk (and we’ll be getting rid of the literal anchor desk), NBR’s commitment to integrity, innovation and information won’t change.

You are taking over as anchor during a very eventful time. What background study and preparation do you do prior to examining a story or conducting an interview?

Tom Hudson: Journalism is a way of life. One has to be curious about all things in order to be a good reporter. One can’t stop asking questions just because the TV program is over.

Practically speaking, I assign myself lots of homework. That includes analysts’ reports, economic commentaries, think tank white papers, academic research as well as anecdotal stories collected from various sources.

The Nightly Business Report has long been a leader in innovation in using technology, social media, and the latest communications channels to reach their audience. Are you planning to help continue and grow this important trend?

Tom Hudson: A growing online presence incorporated with the daily TV program is a goal of ours. We plan on using both mediums to fulfill NBR’s mission to empower its audience, where ever they may be.

You will be co-anchoring with the respected Susie Gharib. Have you met her before taking over as her co-anchor?

Tom Hudson: Susie has been generous in welcoming me to the NBR family. Her work and work ethic benefits all of the organization and its viewers. I’m excited to work with her.

You are filling some really big shoes following the legendary and highly respected Paul Kangas. How do you plan to put your own personal stamp on the show?

Tom Hudson: Paul has been an innovator in business journalism for 30 years. I can only hope to build upon the standard of excellence he has set. My style is to be well-informed, inquisitive and insightful. NBR will remain true to its mission while we work hard to present the story of money every night on the TV program and every day online.

How can we follow you and The Nightly Business Report on Twitter for the latest updates in the world of business?

Tom Hudson: The NBR Twitter posts can be followed here:

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Girl On Top by Nicole Williams - Book review

Girl on Top

Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success

By: Nicole Williams

Published: October 12, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 208 pages
ISBN: 9781599951928
Publisher: Center Street

"I've come to believe that just like in our relationships, loving your career has a lot to do with your expectations - ultimately you get the love (and the career) you think you deserve", writes best selling author and WORKS founder Nicole Williams, in her witty and insightful book on career management
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success
. The author turns the famous dating book The Rules upside down, as she applies that famous dating advice for women, to finding and succeeding in a dream career.

Nicole Williams pulls no punches as she shares the secrets to navigating the often treacherous waters of finding the right career. Her advice for women is described in terms of dating terms. By using that clever analogy, she compares seeking the perfect career with finding the right life partner. She begins with the comparison to finding the right job with the dating scene. Her three overall steps for both romance and careers are courting, dating, and marriage. Her dating and employment parallels work well, as she expands on each stage with an even more detailed use of The Rules, in avoiding the many pitfalls that can befall the unwary woman.

Nicole Williams (photo left) provides career planning and management advice that is both timely and relevant. With wit, and her characteristic sense of flair, the author demonstrates that the same mistakes that can derail a romance or marriage, can also stop a woman's career advancement in its tracks. Whether she writes about making sure that a woman conveys the proper image, gains respect of her peers and superiors, or gets the pay she deserves, the advice is presented with an edge that makes the concepts memorable. The romance comparison not only creates an easy to remember and understand set of rules for employment, but the author helps women step outside the rigid ideas of career management. In its place, she creates an alternative system for assessing a job, and whether its the right place for a woman to spend years of employment.

For me, the power of the book is how Nicole Williams took the well known concept of The Rules for women and romance, and turned them around to work in the world of work. The combining of the two concepts of romance and careers is a powerful one on many levels. Not only are both romance and employment about finding the right life partner, but they are also about the strength and depth of the commitment by both parties to making the arrangement work for everyone. The same mistakes that can end a romance or marriage can also destroy a career, leaving everyone devastated and often lost. Changing jobs is very often as stressful and as difficult as ending any other relationship. This book serves as a powerful guide for women to avoid mistakes and keeping their careers on course.

I highly recommend the perceptive and insightful book
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success
by Nicole Williams, to any woman seeking to discover a practical and easy to follow guide to finding and developing a successful career. Just as their are right and wrong dating partners, there are also places of employment that are not suitable to every woman.

Read the step by step guide to a successful career
Girl on Top: Your Guide to Turning Dating Rules into Career Success
by Nicole Williams, and put the time proven dating advice to work in finding and building the career of your dreams. This lighthearted, but hard hitting book can turn a boring and mediocre career into am exciting and fulfilling love affair for life.

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