Sunday, January 27, 2008

Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos - Book review

Effective Internet Presence

By Ted Demopoulos

Format: ebook pdf

Price: Free Download

"If you don’t exist online, do you really exist?", is the provocative question posed by blogging and online presence expert Ted Demopoulos, in his complimentary pdf ebook Effective Internet Presence. He goes on to explain that if search engines, including industry leader Google, can't find or rank your site, then you don't really exist online.

Ted Demopoulos makes the case that any successful business, whether online or offline, must have an effective internet presence. Failure to have that internet visibility means that customers searching online, for a company's goods and services, will find a competitor's website instead. In literal terms, any business not found in the search engines doesn't exist as a search option.

Ted Demopoulos (photo left)

There is more to internet presence than simply creating a website, and hoping people will click to its glories. Ted Demopoulos points out that internet visibility includes blogs, social media sites, online articles and press releases, and forum posts, to name just a few. Without that web relationship building, a business person not only misses out on potential sales, but also on networking opportunities, possible joint ventures and partnerships, and an enhancement of their professional reputation. The cost of not being internet savvy is high.

For me, the power of the book was in its simplicity, and no nonsense approach to building an effective internet presence. As a free downloadable pdf ebook, the information is doubly valuable, as many of the concepts discussed are often found in traditional books. The ebook is also part of the author's philosophy, as the pdf creates more internet presence for his business. For Ted Demopoulos, walking the talk is as important part of building online trust and internet business as well.

I recommend Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos for anyone seeking a quick, readable, and informative primer on building an internet business. The information is presented well, and can be read in one session, and reread when needed for a refresher of ideas. As an added bonus, the pdf ebook is free.

Download and read Effective Internet Presence by Ted Demopoulos, and build a growing and prosperous internet business.

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