Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Discovering Your Inner Samurai by Susan L. Reid - Book Review

Discovering Your Inner Samurai:

The Entrepreneurial Woman's Journey to Business Success

By: Dr. Susan L. Reid

Publish Date: 2007
ISBN-10: 1-934229-05-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-934229-05-7
Format: Paperback 287pp
Publisher: WME Books

The journey to discovering your Inner Samurai is the connective thread that unites us all, writes Susan Reid in her inspirational and deeply personal book Discovering Your Inner Samurai: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Journey to Business Success. To the author, the Inner Samurai is that powerful voice deep within you that is not only a wellspring of power and strength, but also of serenity and balance, that are necessary to build a new kind of inner created business.

For Susan Reid, there are no accidents in our lives. Everything, she says, happens for a reason. Whether it's the loss of employment, family tragedy, or personal misfortune, all help you on your journey to discovering your greater self. For the accidental entrepreneur, who the author calls an Accidental Pren-her, starting a business may have happened by chance, by necessity, or from following a dream.

Very often, the newly self employed woman has little in entrepreneurial experience, but through the discovery and guidance of her Inner Samurai, she can build a new type of business. The book follows the often difficult, but always rewarding journey inside the soul, that unleashes that personal power and inner resolve that leads to business success and personal happiness with one's own life. At the same time, the voyage is about letting go of the past, silencing those critical voices in your head, and overcoming the resistance that stand in the way of success. The strength of knowing you are on your true path, with your Inner Samurai as a guide, will carry you on your way.

Deeply influenced by Eastern philosophy, Susan Reid (photo left) shares her personal journey to the secret dwelling place of her personal Inner Samurai. As a result of this internal quest, the author writes a deeply personal and moving account of her triumphs and setbacks, and how that powerful voice within carried her safely to her success. Along the way, she helps other women discover their unique power that pulses strength and conviction within them, as they achieve greatness in their own business ventures and personal lives.

For me, the power of the book is its deeply personal quality. Susan Reid reveals her soul, and shares the lives and achievements of others as they seek their Inner Samurai. The inward voyage to self discovery is different for everyone, and in any hero or heroine's mythical journey, there will be setbacks, unexpected gifts and help from others, and the joy of triumph. The author lived a mythic quest, and shares the journeys of other seekers, who became entwined in the thread of her journey's tapestry.

For many entrepreneurs, the greatest hurdle to leap is that of letting go of the past, and recognizing that in the present moment, that you are in control of your own destiny. No longer is someone else calling the shots in your life, or charting your course. Being in command of your own life, through finding that inner strength and conviction, is the inspirational message within the pages of the book.

I highly recommend Discovering Your Inner Samurai: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Journey to Business Success by Susan L. Reid to anyone, male or female, who seeks to create a new type of business, built from the inside out. That business will attract your ideal clients and customers, and your personal inner guide will steer you along your unique path to success.

Read Discovering Your Inner Samurai: The Entrepreneurial Woman's Journey to Business Success by Susan L. Reid and begin the rewarding and empowering voyage to discovering your own Inner Samurai. It's strength and balance will lead you to personal and business heights that you never imagined possible.

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