Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin - Book review


We Need You to Lead Us

By: Seth Godin

Published: Oct 21, 2008
ISBN: 9781591842330
Format: Hardcover, 160pp
Publisher: Portfolio

"A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, abd connected to an idea", writes thought provoking author Seth Godin, in his destined to become classic book, Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us. In this highly motivational book, the author gives the clarion call to find a cause, and take the leadership role. A dedicated group of followers, referred to as tribe, will join the parade to make the vision a reality.

Seth Godin begins with the bold statement that anyone can become a leader of a tribe. There is no specific set of characteristics for leadership, simply a commitment to achieving a goal. For Seth Godin, one person with a vision and a desire to achieve it, can indeed change the world. Indeed, he considers leaders to be heretics, who think outside of conventional modes of thought. The next step is for the leader to develop a tribe from other like minded heretical thinkers.

Thanks to the internet, and the immediacy of modern communications, a tribe is no longer restricted by time or space. Instead, any group of dedicated individuals can join the cause from anywhere in the world. All that is needed, is a leader to inspire the followers, and communicate the shared vision, to achieve greatness. The market places of of ideas will reward the efforts of the tribe when the power and importance of the change is recognized.

Seth Godin (photo left) doesn't lay out a step by step formula for leadership, for building a tribe, or changing the world or even a small fragment. Instead, he inspires the reader to take the leap of faith toward finding a worthy goal, and pursuing it with passion. The leader will discover that many other people share that vision as well. From this group of like minded people, a tribe of dedicated followers will emerge. What they needed was a leader to show them the way. Indeed, Seth Godin points out emphatically, that leaders are needed everywhere. The author makes a powerful case that anyone reading the book can assume the mantle of leadership.

For me, the power of the book is its forceful inspiration to find a worthwhile goal, and take leadership in achieving it. Seth Godin recognizes that forces will conspire to resist that desired change, as people are always more comfortable with the status quo. He warns against letting fear of failure derail the leader and the tribe from striving to turn their vision into reality. Once the opponents of change recognize its value, and the power of the tribe's commitment, they too are likely to join the cause. The world is crying out for leadership, and this book inspires the reader to answer the call.

I highly recommend the remarkable and inspirational Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin, to anyone who seeks to make important changes in their own lives and in the lives of others. The vision for improvement may be narrow in scope, or global in its sweep, but every goal requires a leader to guide and inspire the tribe. The book makes the powerful case that anyone can take on that leadership role.

Read the important book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin, and stand up and become the leader of a tribe. There is no need to fear failure, as the tribe and the leader support one another, as they strive toward their shared vision. Take up the call to lead a tribe. True vision and courage to create change are needed now more than ever before.

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