Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Laws of Lifetime Growth by Dan Sullivan & Catherine Nomura - Book Review

The Laws of Lifetime Growth

Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past

By: Dan Sullivan & Catherine Nomura

Published: Oct 22, 2007
ISBN: 9781576754672
Format: Paperback, 129pp
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Pub

People tend to look backwards rather than forward, and focus on bad experiences instead of using them as springboards for growth, write Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura in their insightful book The Laws of Lifetime Growth: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past. By placing the emphasis on rewards and applause, people miss the opportunity to help others and the shared growth that results from cooperation.

Catherine Nomura (photo left)

Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura describe ten laws of lifetime growth, that form a holistic vision, for building a brighter future. Taken together, the laws are not only life changing for the individual who makes the commitment to a bigger future, but for those whose lives are touched as a result. The bigger future is all inclusive and revitalizes and regenerates everyone involved with the creative process of a better future. Regardless of a person's age, health, or financial status, there is a brighter future and it's in your hands.

The authors provide real life examples of brighter futures, and present some surprising results. Not only is the change part of the person with the original vision's life, but change touches every person who comes into contact with that individual. Some of the results are startling in their life altering power. People given little time to live, severe financial difficulties, and health challenges can find their lives transformed by daring to dream of a bigger future. Their vision, in turn, creates a brighter future for other people in their lives. Like ripples on a pond, the circle of bigger futures grows ever larger.

Dan Sullivan (photo left)

For me, the power of the book is in its practical application of the laws presented for changing one's life. Instead of simply presenting theory, and some self help philosophy, the book shows how to ask the right questions, and take the first steps, to achieving the goals. In fact, the emphasis on goal setting, and reaching them through enjoyable small steps, demonstrates the strengths of the concepts. The laws are readily applicable for anyone in any situation and time of their life. The book challenges a person to dare to dream and discover creative means of building a better tomorrow.

I highly recommend The Laws of Lifetime Growth: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past by Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura for anyone who is willing to take the steps toward a future greater than their past. It won't be easy, and some of the laws may be unsettling at first, as they demand you examine your life in new and exciting ways. The journey to that brighter future makes it all worthwhile for everyone whose lives you touch along the way.

Read The Laws of Lifetime Growth: Always Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past by Dan Sullivan and Catherine Nomura and you will take those first empowering steps toward changing your life forever.

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