Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stomp the Elephant in the Office by Steven Vannoy and Craig Ross - Book review

Stomp the Elephant in the Office

Put an End to the Toxic Workplace, Get More Done and Be Excited About Work Again

By: Steven W. Vannoy and Craig W. Ross

Published: Jan 15, 2008
ISBN: 9780979376801
Format: Hardcover, 324pp
Publisher: Wister & Willows Pub

A toxic workplace where poor behaviour, attitudes, and dysfunctional activities are compared to an elephant in the workplace by Steven W. Vannoy and Craig W. Ross, in their ground breaking book, Stomp the Elephant in the Office: Put an End to the Toxic Workplace, Get More Done and Be Excited About Work Again. The authors provide the tools needed to turn an elephant infested office into a productive and high performance organization.

Craig Ross (photo left)

Steven W. Vannoy and Craig W. Ross recommend what they call a Wellness Culture as the goal when removing the disruptive forces that dishearten employees, and that lower productivity. By changing bad attitudes, and the personality issues that affect all members of the organization, the company can refocus its time and resources to achieving excellence in the workplace. Beginning with the premise that both individual and organizational goals can be met within the improved company culture, the authors provide the tools to achieve a more functional workplace.

The authors make it clear that anyone in the organization can act as a cultural change agent. In that sense, the book is empowering as every employee has the potential to take a leadership role in removing the elephants that create a toxic workplace. They recognize that people want to achieve greatness in their work, and to feel as if they make a difference. The book provides the practical and common sense tools to reach that potential within the company.

Steven Vannoy (photo left)

For me, the power of the book is two fold. First of all, the book provides the step by step techniques for developing an elephant removal process. By following the methods recommended in the book, any organization regardless of size or sector can achieve powerful results. More importantly, those enhanced results are achieved by ensuring that individuals can improve their personal job satisfaction as well. That joining of personal and organizational goals, for the benefit of everyone, is crucial to making a positive cultural change.

The second power of the book is in its personal empowerment. Anyone can take the initiative to make positive change within the organization, and achieve positive results. Leadership does not have to be handed down from on high, but can work upwards from the front lines of the company. That ability to make cultural improvements, on a personal level, will develop longer lasting cultural changes and greater productivity.

I highly recommend Stomp the Elephant in the Office: Put an End to the Toxic Workplace, Get More Done and Be Excited About Work Again by Steven W. Vannoy and Craig W. Ross for any business that is serious about improving their workplace behaviour and removing the toxic activity that prevents the organization and its people from reaching their fullest potential.

Read Stomp the Elephant in the Office: Put an End to the Toxic Workplace, Get More Done and Be Excited About Work Again by Steven W. Vannoy and Craig W. Ross and remove the elephants from your office that are holding your company and its employees back and destroying their productivity.

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