Monday, May 26, 2008

John Assaraf & Murray Smith: The Answer: Grow Any Business & Achieve Financial Freedom - Blog Business Success Radio

Legendary entrepreneurs, and OneCoach co-founders John Assaraf and Murray Smith, co-authors of the visionary best seller The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life, show listeners how to build their dream business from the inside, by helping them create a crystal clear picture of what they truly want. Then, they demonstrate how to build that business, step-by-step, by following battle-tested strategies for growing untold revenues.

John Assaraf and Murray Smith are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Tuesday, May 27, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Entrepreneurs John Assaraf and Murray Smith, co-authors of the visionary best seller The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life, show readers how to build their dream business from the inside, by helping them create a crystal clear picture of what they truly want. You will learn:

* How the science The Law of Attraction really works

* How to identify your ideal client for your business

* Step by step techniques to apply to your own life to achieve success

* How to rid yourself of doubts that impede your progress to your goals

John Assaraf (photo left) is one of the experts featured in the film and book The Secret, which he helped launch into a worldwide phenomenon. He has shared his expertise on achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life with millions of viewers on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and dozens of other media venues worldwide.

Visit John Assaraf online at

Murray Smith (photo left) is a business turnaround guru and consultant who has launched or revived fourteen highly successful businesses and helped thousands of other business owners increase revenues, profits, and value. With John Assaraf, he is co-founder of OneCoach, the world's fastest-growing provider of small-business coaching services.

Murray Smith lives in San Diego, California.

My book review of The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf and Murray Smith.

Listen live on Tuesday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guests, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with John Assaraf and Murray Smith, co-authors of the visionary best seller The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life, as they demonstrate how to build their dream business from the inside, by helping them create a crystal clear picture of what they truly want. Then, they demonstrate how to build that business, step-by-step, by following battle-tested strategies for growing untold revenues for building your own successful business on Blog Business Success Radio.

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