Saturday, May 3, 2008

Step Into The Spotlight! by Tsufit - Book review

Step Into the Spotlight!

Cause All Business Is Show Business! A Guide to Getting Noticed

By: Tsufit

Published: Apr 8, 2008
ISBN: 9780978191306
Format: Hardcover, 288pp
Publisher: Beach View Books

Life is an infomercial, and you are the star attraction, writes Tsufit in her powerful best selling book Step Into the Spotlight! Cause All Business Is Show Business! A Guide to Getting Noticed. Using her experience as a comedienne and singer to highlight her points, Tsufit demonstrates how to become a business superstar in your industry niche.

Tsufit believes that every business person is a performer, seeking fame and fortune through their products and services. As a result, the entrepreneur or manager is the star of the show, and the true brand of the company. The author provides practical step by step advice, in a highly entertaining delivery style, for building customer applause for a company's performance. Using the tried and proven techniques of movies, television, and live theatre, Tsufit carries the reader through creation of a character, developing a story line, and bringing off the show with panache.

Tsufit (photo left) often shares stories and advice that run counter to conventional wisdom. She considers publicity to important for your business success, but only after your production is ready for prime time. Becoming a star takes work and preparation, and like the endless rehearsals for a Broadway play, your presentation must air without a hitch. Instead of droning away with a boring canned speech, the star effortlessly steals the show and the spotlight. In business, that means more customers and clients, and a stronger bottom line.

For me, the power of the book is the connection between show business and other industries. The techniques for stardom in any field are the same, and can be applied anywhere. By sharing her time proven entertainment industry methods, Tsufit helps reluctant public speakers, boardroom presenters, and person to person sales people overcome their fears. Simple concepts like knowing your true product, understanding your audience, and becoming well known in your field are brought to life through use of story and entertainment examples.

I highly recommend Step Into the Spotlight! Cause All Business Is Show Business! A Guide to Getting Noticed by Tsufit for any business or professional person seeking success in their marketplace. Every page sparkles with exciting techniques for making you the star attraction in any field or endeavour.

Read Step Into the Spotlight! Cause All Business Is Show Business! A Guide to Getting Noticed by Tsufit, and prepare to become a celebrity and and well known expert in your industry, as you take centre stage under the spotlight of success.

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