Friday, September 12, 2008

80 Proven Ways To Become A Millionaire by Paul S. Damazo - Book review

80 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire

All you need is two or three!

By: Paul S. Damazo

Published: May 25, 2007
Format: Hardcover 256 pp
ISBN-10: 0979313988
ISBN-13: 978-0979313981
Publisher: SG&A Productions, Inc

Wealth is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice - your choice, writes Paul S. Damazo in his powerful, yet easy to understand book 80 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire: All you need is two or three!. The author demonstrates that anyone can become wealthy by following a few common sense financial rules, and letting time and the magic of compound interest do the rest.

Paul Damazo understands that the choices people make regarding their own lives has a powerful impact on their ability to create wealth. He discusses the importance of making the right choice in a marital partner, and about raising children to share the values of saving money and building wealth. Far from advising parents to shield their children from money matters, he recommends teaching the family about the importance of earning money, and of spending and investing it wisely.

Paul Damazo (photo left) is a child of the Great Depression of the 1930's, where he learned hard lessons about money, while growing up in a family of ten children. Despite living through that desperate time, he and his siblings were able to earn money for the household and to save for their own university education. In fact, Paul Damazo is a strong advocate of receiving as much education as possible, and of earning money while studying for the degree.

He recognizes correctly, that it's not the school that is important, but the quality of the person and their commitment to their financial goals, that portends their success in their career and personal life. He advises against spending huge amounts of borrowed money on big name university educations. Instead, he suggests attending smaller institutions that provide a fine education, while providing the opportunity to earn money, build wealth, and develop as a well rounded person.

For me, the power of the book was its practical recommendations for building wealth. Written in an easy to understand, conversational style, the book presents the numerous wealth building techniques in a ready to apply format. Along with the concepts, Paul Damazo punctuates his advice with financial charts that show clearly how wealth is built over time. The book is not about a get rich quick scheme, but rather on becoming wealthy through time in a painless way, while still enjoying life.

I highly recommend 80 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire: All you need is two or three! by Paul S. Damazo, to anyone serious about becoming wealthy over time, through investment and careful money management. Not all of the recommendations in the book apply to everyone, but there are many millionaire making ideas that can be put into action by anyone.

Read 80 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire: All you need is two or three! by Paul S. Damazo, and start on the road to financial independence for you and your family today. Learn how to enjoy more stress free living, while building your family's wealth for the future.

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