Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Trelitha Bryant: The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance - Blog Business Success Radio


Behavioral scientist and VP, Field Testing and Research, at Behavioral Sciences Research Press in Dallas, Texas (BSRP), Trelitha Bryant describes how to diagnose the fear of self-promotion in yourself and others, and how to use a sophisticated training device that costs less than a penny and stops your fear of self-promotion dead in its tracks. She also discusses the landmark book The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance: Earning What You're Worth.

Trelitha Bryant are my internet radio show guests on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, October 2, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Behavioral scientist and VP, Field Testing and Research, at Behavioral Sciences Research Press in Dallas, Texas (BSRP), Trelitha Bryant describes how to diagnose the fear of self-promotion in yourself and others. You will learn:

* Why people fear self-promotion and the true cost of that fear

* How to recognize sales call reluctance in yourself and your staff

* How to overcome sales call reluctance once it's recognized

* How to self-promote ethically and honestly to achieve your goals

Trelitha R. Bryant (photo left) is VP, Field Testing and Research, at the corporate office of Behavioral Sciences Research Press in Dallas, Texas (BSRP). For ten years, she served as a research analyst at BSRP, completing hundreds of research projects and constructing statistical models studying the influence of sales call reluctance on the effectiveness of clientele-building. At present, Bryant directs the world's largest database on sales call reluctance.

She has generated a considerable body of research in another area of specialization, socially desirable responding, which explores the issues, challenges and peculiarities specific to using psychological tests in the sales profession. Her work has been presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. A talented and engaging speaker, she has presented her research to groups of sales management executives, consultants and psychologists in the US and Sweden.

Before joining BSRP. Bryant served as a survey researcher for the Under Secretary of the Navy, Total Quality Leadership (TQL) Office. While there, she helped organize and direct the largest Navy-wide study of quality leadership practices ever conducted, managed the TQL training evaluation program for the Navy-Marine Corps and co-authored a Navy handbook on Total Quality Leadership.

Prior to her tenure with the Navy,Bryant served as civilian personnel liaison officer for the 54th Area Support Group, Department of the Army located in The Netherlands. While there, she wrote a handbook on quality management principles and was invited to speak at Army commands in Germany and The Netherlands.

Mrs. Bryant has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from Creighton University, in Nebraska and has completed post-graduate coursework at Southern Methodist University. She is currently an instructor in the Advanced Management Training Workshops on sales assessment, recruitment and research.

My book review of The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance: Earning What You're Worth by George W. Dudley and Shannon L. Goodson.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with behavioral scientist and VP, Field Testing and Research, at Behavioral Sciences Research Press in Dallas, Texas (BSRP), Trelitha Bryant as she describes how to diagnose the fear of self-promotion in yourself and others, and how to use a sophisticated training device that costs less than a penny and stops your fear of self-promotion dead in its tracks. She also discusses the landmark book The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance: Earning What You're Worth on Blog Business Success Radio.


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