Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Art of the Business Lunch by Robin Jay - Book review

The Art of the Business Lunch

Building Relationships Between 12 And 2

By: Robin Jay

Published: Feb 16, 2006
ISBN: 9781564148513
Format: Paperback, 254pp
Publisher: Career Press Inc.

Sharing a meal with someone will change forever your relationship with that person, writes business relationship expert Robin Jay in her practical and entertaining book The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 And 2. From choosing the restaurant to proper dining etiquette to closing the sale, the author shares insider secrets to developing friendships and more clients through breaking bread together.

Robin Jay understands that people prefer to do business with people they like and trust. As she points out in the book, the fastest way to creating and nurturing an ongoing business relationship is through sharing lunch. Along with the business possibilities of lunch, the author points out that lunches have additional benefits. Scheduling a luncheon meeting on a calendar provides a busy, and often over worked executive with something to look forward to in a hectic day. Being associated with an enjoyable lunch leads to friendships that extend beyond the office walls, and enhancing the quality of a person's life.

Robin Jay (photo left) has shared thousands of business lunches with countless clients, and increasing her sales volumes and income in the process. Her experience with dining for business demonstrates the power of business lunches. At the same time, she shares many of the pitfalls and potential mistakes that await the careless diner. As with all networking and sales presentations, Robin Jay emphasizes the importance of the right clothing, grooming, and professionalism. Not only is there personal value to business lunch, but there is also the opportunity to help unemployed friends with their networking skills. The author recognizes the power of generosity and sharing for enhancing people's lives.

For me, the power of the book is its practical and entertaining approach to business lunches. Robin Jay leaves nothing out of the book, that the business person needs to know, about achieving success at the restaurant table. The book also shows clearly the power of business lunches for increasing sales. By enhancing personal relationships, and by strengthening networking efforts, the author moves beyond the table to boosting the company's bottom line. The goal of the business lunch is to build sales, and Robin Jay shows how restaurant based meetings deliver on that promise.

I highly recommend The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 And 2 by Robin Jay, to any business people seeking an effective and enjoyable way to increase their sales. By sharing in the business lunch, relationships are build, trust is enhanced, and more sales are the result, over the short and the long term.

Read The Art of the Business Lunch: Building Relationships Between 12 And 2 by Robin Jay, and let the business lunch serve up a fresh batch of sales, for you and your organization.

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