Monday, November 17, 2008

Why Is Everyone Smiling? by Paul Spiegelman - Book review

Why is Everyone Smiling?

The Secret Behind Passion, Productivity, and Profit

By: Paul Spiegelman

Published: May 14, 2007
ISBN-10: 193328580X
ISBN-13: 978-1933285801
Format: Hardcover 224 pages
Publisher: Brown Books Publishing Group

When you treat your people like true contributors, it does the business tremendous good; when you focus your business on solid values, it benefits both the community and the economy, writes Beryl CEO Paul Spiegelman in his practical guide to building an ethical business Why is Everyone Smiling?: The Secret Behind Passion, Productivity, and Profit. The author suggests a new business model based on ethics, innovation, good customer relations, and developing a loyal group of employees.

Paul Spiegelman recognizes that passionate employees provide higher levels of productivity and greater profits. That basic premise, based on treating employees well, has been lost on many modern businesses. Instead of considering happy, committed employees to be a company's greatest asset, they are very often treated as a disposable expense. In markets where the products and services are difficult to distinguish, superior customer service provided by happy, motivated staff can set a company apart from its competition. Even in commodity industries, a strong brand recognition can be built by loyal employees who love their jobs.

Paul Spiegelman (photo left) recognizes that basic respect for humanity, whether the customers or the employees who serve their needs, is a powerful force for profitability. Motivated employees who go that extra mile for their clients build enduring customer loyalty. Long term customers are often powerful brand evangelists recommending their great customer experience to others. The passion demonstrated by happy staff members translates into enhanced productivity and improved profitability. A virtuous cycle results from loyal staff members who create loyal customers, who in turn contribute to a stronger company bottom line.

For me, the power of the book is the author's understanding that happy employees are productive workers. Along with this common sense idea, the book provides the practical techniques for building a company brand based on passion and loyalty. Empowering employees, and helping them to build their careers within the organization are seen as investments that pay off in the long term. Along with those happy, motivated employees comes an improved company culture based on value and excellence. The end result is a stronger, more profitable business, that can prosper in any economy.

I highly recommend Why is Everyone Smiling?: The Secret Behind Passion, Productivity, and Profit by Paul Spiegelman, to anyone who wants to build a positive company culture centered on loyal, passionate employees. Customer service begins with leadership that recognizes and then demonstrates the importance of good customer relationships, and who passes those values on to the staff. When the organizational culture is one of valuing employees and of customer satisfaction, a strong profitable brand is the end result.

Read Why is Everyone Smiling?: The Secret Behind Passion, Productivity, and Profit by Paul Spiegelman, and turn a mediocre workplace into a spectacular place to work, staffed by happy motivated employees. Your company profits will soar along with the commitment to passion for doing something worthwhile.

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