Friday, December 5, 2008

Get The Life You Want by Richard Bandler - Book review

Get the Life You Want

The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

By: Richard Bandler

Published: Aug 21, 2008
ISBN: 9780757307768
Format: Hardcover, 229pp
Publisher: HCI

If you can help people think differently and actively, they can change their lives, writes the father of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Richard Bandler, in his practical and life changing book Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. The author provides easy to follow and apply techniques that will make powerful and positive changes in a person's life.

Richard Bandler takes a practical results oriented approach to changing people's lives for the better. Applying the techniques he has learned over his decades of experience, the author walks the reader through the process of change. By using the step by step method of self examination, the reader is able to make affective and permanent life changes. Whether the person wants to get rid of fears or phobias, earn more money, or forget unpleasant events from the past, the methods suggested in the book will create positive results.

Richard Bandler (photo left) understands that why a person may be experiencing problems in life, his focus is on building permanent solutions to those problems. While expensive therapy seeks to find causes, this book provides useful cures that will change the way a person thinks and behaves.

Traditional therapists often give up treatment on some patients, yet Richard Bandler's approach has resulted in lasting life improvement in those same people. The ability to change the process of how a person experiences reality becomes more important than a change in the content of that reality experience. A person already possesses the personal resources within to effect that change.

For me, the power of the book is how the practical life changing techniques are presented in a user friendly way with an emphasis on achieving permanent results. Along with helpful self examination charts, the reader can utilize their personal inner resources to cause lifelong change. The proven methods, from the father of NLP, for effecting personal change are easy to apply by anyone. The simplicity of the techniques, and their wide range of applications makes the book a must read for anyone seeking life changing outcomes.

I highly recommend Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler to anyone seeking permanent solutions to personal problems. Regardless of the issue that is holding a person back from achieving personal happiness or success, following the techniques presented in this book will get lasting results.

Read Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler, and rid yourself forever of those fears, phobias, and obstacles to having the life you want to live. Instead of listening to those negative voices in your head, banish them forever, on your journey to your personal well being.

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