Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Be A Sales Superstar by Mark Tewart - Book review

How to Be a Sales Superstar

Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It

By: Mark Tewart

Published: Oct 20, 2008
ISBN: 9780470300961
Format: Hardcover, 239pp
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc

Selling is one of the most important functions in society, writes sales superstar Mark Tewart in his powerful sales education book How to Be a Sales Superstar: Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It. The author describes how thinking differently from most other people can turn an ordinary sales person into a super sales success story.

Mark Tewart understands how sales works, and why events happen as they do in the world of sales. He has lived being a sales person for his entire adult life, and has risen from the ranks of the ordinary to the extraordinary sales leader. His advice is practical, but is also life changing for anyone who follows his recommendations. For Mark Tewart, sales people are not born. They are made through education in people skills, life skills, marketing skills, as well as sales skills. Through ongoing life long education, and a constant desire to do better and achieve more, anyone regardless of background, can become a sales superstar.

Mark Tewart (photo left) recognizes that top sales results happen from a combination of prospecting for new customers and from adding value to existing customers. Many times, sales people and their sales managers will emphasize one type of sale over the other. The author believes in the power of increasing the number of customers and in helping that new larger group of customers with solutions to their problems. Mark Tewart demonstrates new and effective ways to discover and qualify prospects, that are often the opposite to conventional sales techniques. He also shares powerful ideas for retaining existing customers for years.

For me, the power of the book is the holistic approach taken toward the sales profession. Mark Tewart not only teaches practical sales techniques, that are different from the usual sales training ideas, but approaches sales from a personal and professional point of view. The sales education offered in the book is career changing information for many sales people. Along with the section on prospecting for new customers are many powerful concepts for adding value for existing customers.

I highly recommend How to Be a Sales Superstar: Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It by Mark Tewart, to anyone who is currently in sales, sales management, or operates their own business. Since sales and marketing ability can make or break a company, good sales instruction is essential to any business success.

Read How to Be a Sales Superstar: Break All the Rules and Succeed While Doing It by Mark Tewart, and wear your new success as a sales superstar with pride.

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