Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Customizable Style Guide For Coaches Who Write by Linda Dessau - Book review

Customizable Style Guide For Coaches Who Write

Look Smarter, Write Faster and Get Better Results from Your Writing

By: Linda Dessau

Published: 2008 - Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-9735633-5-1
Publisher: Genuine Coaching Services

"Better writing will help individual coaches build relationships,
trust, credibility and sales, and improve the perception of the coaching
industry as a whole". writes Linda Dessau in her practical and easy to understand book Customizable Style Guide For Coaches Who Write: Look Smarter, Write Faster and Get Better Results from Your Writing. The author takes coaches and other business people on a journey that will improve both their writing style and their overall sales and marketing success.

Linda Dessau recognizes the importance of a clear and concise writing style. She demonstrates how anyone can improve their written material, regardless of its purpose and intended audience, without the pain and boredom so often associated with style guides. The author helps the business person in all aspects of writing, from selecting their personal voice to creating effective, and professional quality copy. Even the sections of the book pertaining to the often dreaded grammar and punctuation are presented in an easy to use, results oriented manner. By showing the reader the purpose of writing well, Linda Dessau conveys the tangible value in following what many consider outdated and arcane rules for writing.

Linda Dessau (photo left) understands that business people, including business coaches, are often judged and selected based on how well they write online and offline. She knows all too well that potential clients want easy to read copy, that provides important information. All too often, poorly written material is presented to the target market, and is ignored due to its lack of readability. Knowing some basic grammar and punctuation rules, and how to avoid confusing technical jargon, result in conveying a more knowledgeable and professional image. Linda Dessau demonstrates that a business person's ability to write well, in an easy to read style, is a crucial factor in the company's success.

For me, the power of the book is its easy to use format. The sections are well marked for ease of reference, and the book can be opened at any writing topic, when required. Linda Dessau practices what she recommends, and provides a well written style guide that is clear and concise. Regardless of the writing problem, the book contains a suitable and ready to apply remedy. All too often, style guides get caught up in small details and grammar rules that slow down the reader, but the author avoids that writing trap as well. Readability is Linda Dessau's goal, and she applies that rule well to this handy style guide.

I highly recommend the useful and very readable Customizable Style Guide For Coaches Who Write: Look Smarter, Write Faster and Get Better Results from Your Writing by Linda Dessau, to any coaches or other business professionals seeking to improve their writing style. By simply avoiding the most common grammatical, punctuation, and formatting mistakes, the business person can stand out in the marketplace as a dedicated professional.

Read the practical and action oriented Customizable Style Guide For Coaches Who Write: Look Smarter, Write Faster and Get Better Results from Your Writing by Linda Dessau, and your current and potential clients will learn more valuable information from your writing. The ability to share ideas with others, in a readable manner, is vital to business and professional success. This book deserves a place beside your desk, for quick and easy reference, to solve even your most difficult writing problems.

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