Monday, March 16, 2009

The Women's Millionaire Club by Maureen G. Mulvaney - Book review

The Women's Millionaire Club

By: Maureen G. Mulvaney

Published: March 17, 2009

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Women can become wealthy and successful entrepreneurs is the message sent loud and clear by entrepreneur and speaker Maureen G. Mulvaney in her inspirational book The Women's Millionaire Club. She shares the recipes for success, and she even mixes in some secret sauce from twenty very smart and savvy business women.

Maureen G. Mulvaney, or MGM as she is known for her Big Production, demonstrates that women can achieve financial freedom through entrepreneurship. By starting their own businesses, women can free themselves of the corporate world, and create their own fortunes. With twenty leading female entrepreneurs to guide the way, women can follow these business leaders to taking control of their own destinies. In difficult economic times, with layoffs and pay cuts as daily news headlines, women can no longer depend upon a career as employees. The author teaches women how to take their career into their own hands and build their own profitable and personally rewarding companies.

Maureen G. Mulvaney (photo left) doesn't just provide the reasons for women to open their own businesses, she shows women how to be successful business owners as well. The success recipe presented in the book is a powerful combination of the inner strength that all women possess, combined with practical business advice. The case studies featuring strong women as role models are not only inspirational, but are informative to the beginning entrepreneur. The business women profiled share their greatest money making secrets for starting and operating a profitable venture, guiding the reader through the steps to success.

For me, the power of the book is its powerful combination of inspiration coupled with practical business advice. The recipe requires generous portions of both to help women stir up a scrumptious business. Inspiration is essential to taking that first step to changing from an employee to a business owner. Moving out of a presumed comfort zone can be daunting, but Maureen G. Mulvaney helps make that transition not only simple, but highly successful as well. By declaring that nothing is impossible for women to achieve, the book is a powerful success tool for any aspiring entrepreneur.

I highly recommend The Women's Millionaire Club by Maureen G. Mulvaney to any women who are serious about embarking on the journey to entrepreneurial success. With this motivational book as a road map, the voyage will be a pleasant and profitable one.

Read The Women's Millionaire Club by Maureen G. Mulvaney, and share in the power of the entrepreneurial spirit. Your success is already baked into the cake.


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