Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Accidental Genius by Mark Levy - Book review

Accidental Genius

Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing

By: Mark Levy

Published: 2000
Format: Paperback, 180 pages
ISBN: 9781576750834
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"Sometimes your best thoughts must be coaxed out, and played with, before they reach their fullest potential", writes innovative thinker Mark Levy in his brilliant treatise on developing creativity Accidental Genius: Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing. The author presents the powerful and highly productive technique of private writing, as the key to unlocking new and creative ideas for business.

Mark Levy understands that every person possesses the power of creativity. Indeed, he goes one step farther, and recognizes that everyone has a genius hiding within them. That moment of genius, complete with its revolutionary ideas, simply needs to be unleashed instead of hidden away. The author proposes private writing, known only to the writer, as the doorway into the subconscious mind where those powerful problem solving skills are found. The technique of free form writing, and several important refinements and variations for different problems, opens the door to those hidden solutions. Their discovery may be purely a result of an accidental pairing of words or concepts, but the result can be pure genius.

Mark Levy (photo left) knows instinctively that the value of modern business, from the smallest company to the largest corporations, rests in the ability of its people to form innovative solutions to problems. Those creative problem solving skills can be the difference between dominating an industry, and being simply just another company offering similar products and services. Creative thinking, and in this case the powerful and proven concept of private writing, will give a business an enormous competitive advantage. Through discovering those genius flashes of insight, almost any seemingly unsolvable problem can turn into a crucial business edge over the rest of the industry. Creativity is that powerful as a business tool.

For me, the power of the book was its recognition of the vital importance of the creative thinking process for business. Through the practical, and easy to use techniques of private writing, anyone in any organization can become an innovation center. Mark Levy not only shares the skills to start employing private writing methods, but he also provides many alternative processes to explore ideas even more deeply and completely. The ability to drill down into the subconscious for solutions, using the concepts in the book, can be life changing for a person. Knowing that fresh ideas can be generated by the average person is empowering for anyone.

I highly recommend the essential book on using private writing for business Accidental Genius: Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing by Mark Levy, to anyone who is craves original and innovative solutions to even the most difficult business problems. The problem solving methods provide for fun as well as challenge, and take the work out of tapping into that internal genius in everyone.

Read the extraordinary Accidental Genius: Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing by Mark Levy, and never be at a loss for game changing business ideas again. All you have to do is start private writing and let your genius within spring forth.

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