Monday, May 11, 2009

The Go-Giver by Bob Burg & John David Mann - Book review

The Go-Giver

A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea

By: Bob Burg, John David Mann

Published: January 2, 2008
ISBN: 9781591842002
Format: Hardcover, 112pp
Publisher: Portfolio

Popular culture and mainstream management glorifies the hard driving go-getter, who never stops striving for success and the lure of huge financial rewards. In the inspirational and profound business fable
The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea, co-authors Bob Burg and John David Mann present an entirely opposite worldview. The story follows the character Joe, a prototypical striving but unsuccessful go-getter, who meets the mysterious and successful Pindar who introduces Joe to the power and importance of becoming a go-giver.

Bob Burg (photo left) and John David Mann, through Pindar and other characters in the fable, present five laws that turn Joe's previous concept of success upside down. Based on wisdom as old as humanity itself, of giving and helping others, the story describes how each of the laws works. Even more importantly, the parable demonstrate why these important principles work more effectively than the more commonly employed sales and marketing techniques. Indeed, the laws presented in the book are not only a guide to more ethical and service oriented business, but they are also powerful concepts for living all aspects of a person's life.

Bob Burg and John David Mann (photo left) understand that people prefer to do business with those who they know, like, and trust. While this concept may seem simple on the surface, it's crucial to understanding the go-giver philosophy. To gain people's trust, you must give of yourself openly and with authenticity. By listening to others, and caring genuinely about their needs and aspirations, the go-giver is able to give more help. Instead of worrying about compromise and reciprocity, the go-giver is only thinking of sharing with as many people as possible. In the end, that generosity and kindness is returned many times over, very often in wonderful and unimagined ways.

For me, the power of the book is how the authors present a fable that is deceptively simple on the surface, but contains many layers of wisdom about living a successful life. Not only do the five laws lead to greater business success, but their power for building personal relationships that last for a lifetime, is a crucial message within the fable. As a person gives and shares with others, friendships are created and nurtured, leading to a more enriched and happier life.

For the laws to work, however, a person must be prepared to practice them in every area of life. For many people, application of the laws will not be of interest, as they prefer to continue on the dead end go-getter path. For those seeking true success and happiness, not only for themselves but for everyone whose lives they touch, the go-giver path leads in the right direction.

I highly recommend the life changing book The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann, to anyone who seeks to live a better and more giving life, whether in business or in their personal relationships. The five laws presented in the fable are both profound and rewarding, and are the crucial guides on the journey from a former life as a go-getter to a rich and successful life as a go-giver.

Read the wonderful book The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea by Bob Burg and John David Mann, and you will never look at success and people in the so-called fast lane in the same way again. Follow and live the five laws, and feel your life change in exciting ways as you give and share yourself with others. Forget the dead ends of the mainstream mode of thought, and become a go-giver instead.

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