Saturday, June 6, 2009

Doing Business By The Book by Sophfronia Scott

Doing Business by the Book

How to Craft a Crowd-Pleasing Book and Attract More Clients and Speaking Engagements Than You Ever Thought Possible

By: Sophfronia Scott

Published: Nov 1, 2008
Format: Paperback 156 pp
Publisher: Advantage Media Group

"When you don't publish a book, when you don't take full advantage of the knowledge and experience that it has taken you years to accumulate, you are leaving a serious amount of money on the table", writes editor, author, and coach Sophfronia Scott in her practical and inspirational book Doing Business by the Book: How to Craft a Crowd-Pleasing Book and Attract More Clients and Speaking Engagements Than You Ever Thought Possible. The author presents a no nonsense case for why writng a book creates a powerful business attractor, how to plan the strategy and purpose of the book, and how to write successful books over and over again.

Sophfronia Scott understands the power of books for establishing the author's credentials in any industry or on any topic. She points out that every business person possesses a huge storehouse of information that can be turned into a book. The author addresses concerns about over saturated book markets, time requirements for writing, and even fears of bad reviews deftly and always with an eye toward helping the would be author become a success. Because the goals and experience of every potential author are different, each book takes a different approach to what appears on the surface to be the same material. In that sense, every book is unique and offers something very different from the other titles in the field.

Sophfronia Scott (photo left) recognizes that writing a book is an important task, and she is aware of the time factor involved. As a result, she takes the bold but very important step, of advising would be authors to create a strategy for developing and marketing the book prior to putting fingers to the keyboard. With the goals of the book in place, the author can then craft a book that addresses those points. For Sophfronia Scott, a book is a powerful lead generation tool that adds crucial credibility and authority to the author's business. With the published book as a calling card, the author has an important perceived authority advantage over competitors who lack a book title to their name.

For me, the power of the book is the practical hands on approach to writing a book, as presented by Sophfronia Scott. By guiding the would be author through a strategy session, that develops the ultimate goals and target readership for the book, Sophfronia Scott saves the business person valuable time and resources in the process. Once the target audience is identified and the reason for writing the book are established, Sophfronia Scott provides a powerful, very repeatable outline technique that can be used over and over again for writing many more books. The lessons for writing additional titles, even if on vastly different topics, are essential reading for any would be authors.

I highly recommend the easy to read, yet very powerful book Doing Business by the Book: How to Craft a Crowd-Pleasing Book and Attract More Clients and Speaking Engagements Than You Ever Thought Possible by Sophfronia Scott to anyone who is thinking about writing a book, but feels they lack the time or expertise to do so. The author provides powerful business reasons for authoring a book, how to establish a marketing strategy, and a template for the actual writing process that is usable for many additional titles.

Read the business building book Doing Business by the Book: How to Craft a Crowd-Pleasing Book and Attract More Clients and Speaking Engagements Than You Ever Thought Possible by Sophfronia Scott, and never worry about finding clients, customers, or speaking engagements again. If you follow Sophfronia Scott's proven advice, your book and your reputation as a published author, will do much of the marketing work for you.

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