Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Ultimate Practice Building Book by David W. Zahaluk, MD - Book review

The Ultimate Practice Building Book

How To Regain Control Of Your Practice, Achieve A Competitive Advantage In Your Local Market, And Reconnect With The Joy Of Medicine In The New Healthcare Economy

By: David W. Zahaluk, MD

Published: Dec 21 2007
Format: Paperback, 106 pages
ISBN 1-4251-3639-7
Publisher: Trafford Publishing

"Taking responsibility for your practice's success is the first step", writes physician and founder of Maximum Income For Physicians David Zahaluk, MD, in his medical practice building book The Ultimate Practice Building Book: How To Regain Control Of Your Practice, Achieve A Competitive Advantage In Your Local Market, And Reconnect With The Joy Of Medicine In The New Healthcare Economy. The author demonstrates the power of marketing, systems, and proven business techniques to add more patients, work less, and earn more money in a medical practice.

David Zahaluk understands that medical doctors often have little or no hands on business training. As a result, their practices don't develop to their full potential as successful businesses. The author establishes from the very beginning of the book that the doctor, as owner of the medical practice, is responsible for its profitability as a business and for the proper management of its staff. At the same time as the practice is growing, and becoming more established in the community, the doctor is also able to care for the health of more patients.

David Zahaluk, MD (photo left) recognizes that a well run medical practice benefits everyone including the doctor, the staff, and the patients. A medical practice, run as a business, not only generates more income for the doctor and ensures that the staff is also well paid, but also frees up time for more personal patient care. A doctor, whose office runs on turn key type systems, can be left in the hands of the staff while the doctor works with more patients. At the same time, the doctor, as owner of the business, can take more time away from the practice for speaking, teaching, recreation, and family events. A well run practice creates a balanced life for all concerned.

For me, the power of the book is David Zahaluk's application of well established principles of marketing, branding, operational systems, and management to the medical practice. The author's insistence that the doctor take a more business oriented approach to the medical practice keeps the office viable and open for needed patient care. The author effectively changes the entire mindset of the doctor, from one of a doctor on staff, to one of owner of a successful professional business. That crucial step is essential for any medical professional to achieving financial freedom, whole enhancing patient care.

I highly recommend the practical guide to developing a medical practice as a successful business The Ultimate Practice Building Book: How To Regain Control Of Your Practice, Achieve A Competitive Advantage In Your Local Market, And Reconnect With The Joy Of Medicine In The New Healthcare Economy by David Zahaluk, MD, to any medical professional seeking to improve their income, operate a more successful medical practice, and enjoy a better quality of life. Not only does the doctor, as owner of the business benefit, but the office employees and staff physicians gain security of employment and income as well. Patients who choose the medical practice as their healthcare provider also benefit from better health and more personalized care.

Read the medical practice changing book The Ultimate Practice Building Book: How To Regain Control Of Your Practice, Achieve A Competitive Advantage In Your Local Market, And Reconnect With The Joy Of Medicine In The New Healthcare Economy by David Zahaluk, MD, and develop the medical practice of your dreams. Instead of long hours, low profitability, and less time for enjoying life, the author provides the tools for positive control of a growing medical business. The book is a power tool for building greater personal satisfaction while caring for the health and well being of others.

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