Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Hamster Revolution for Meetings by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, Tim Burress - Book review

The Hamster Revolution for Meetings

How to Meet Less and Get More Done

By: Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, Tim Burress

Published: June 2009
Format: Hardcover, 153pp
ISBN-13: 9781605090078
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"I'm sick of feeling like a hamster all the time", are the words of frustrated executive Iris, who has turned into a literal hamster, in the practical guide to making meetings productive and efficient, The Hamster Revolution for Meetings: How to Meet Less and Get More Done by time and information management facilitators Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, and Tim Burress. Using the business fable format effectively, the authors describe the dilemma facing most business people today, of time wasted on ineffective meetings that don't achieve results.

Mike Song (photo left), Vicki Halsey, and Tim Burress recognize that not only are meetings wasting valuable employee time, they are costing business a fortune in lost revenue and productivity. All too often, meetings start late, lack a set agenda and goal, meander off into low priority discussions that are not priorities at the time, and wrap up with no actionable tasks for the participants. Instead of solving problems, write the authors, meetings create them through failure to plan and execute meetings properly. Indeed, say the authors, even the setting up of meetings is in itself a major time waster for most organizations.

Vicki Halsey (photo left), Tim Burress, and Mike Song also understand that modern office technology, including web meetings and telephone conference calls, carry with them their own issues that make meetings ineffective. Instead of using technology properly, and taking advantage of the opportunities for productivity gains, many business people have turned technology into another time consumer. The authors recommend their POSE system, where they describe an effective meeting as being about the company priorities, has an agenda and objective, is short, and takes advantage of technology for scheduling time. Indeed, the authors suggest several very effective ways to save time in both live and virtual meetings, that get results.

Tim Burress (photo left), Mike Song, and Vicki Halsey get right to the point when describing more effective and productive meetings. For me, the power of the book is the simple business fable format, where hamster Iris discovers how different properly planned meetings are from the ineffective time wasters in her company. Not only do the authors create a useful formula for improving meetings, saving time, and getting better results, but they describe how to put that formula into action. While many books on more effective meetings concentrate on live meetings, the authors include an important section on virtual meetings over the web and telephone. Instead of losing the power of technology for productivity gains, the book describes well how to harness the strengths of the computer and the web for better meeting planning, more orderly conduct, and stronger results.

I highly recommend the essential meeting improvement book The Hamster Revolution for Meetings: How to Meet Less and Get More Done by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, and Tim Burress, to anyone seeking to regain control of their meetings, their time, and their lives. By following the simple and powerful techniques shared by the authors, anyone can shorten their time spent in meetings, and become more productive as a result. The book demonstrates the crucial importance of considering overall company and career priorities when planning meetings, a strict meeting agenda and objective, a short and adhered to time limit, and the power of technology for improving meetings.

Read the important and powerful book The Hamster Revolution for Meetings: How to Meet Less and Get More Done by Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, and Tim Burress, and take back control of your meetings, and get more positive results. Instead of turning into a hamster like Iris, you can become a meeting virtuoso, both in person and over the web. You have nothing to lose but that time wasted in unproductive meetings.

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