Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Power of Women United by Tina Dezsi & Lia Bandola - Book review

The Power of Women United

By: Lia Bandola & Tina Dezsi

Published: April 2009
Format: Hardcover, 220 pages
ISBN-10: 0981939813
ISBN-13: 978-0981939810
Publisher: Ultimate Publishing House

"For the first time in history, more women than ever are achieving success on their own terms", write successful entrepreneurs Tina Dezsi and Lia Bandola, in their inspirational book The Power of Women United. The authors unite with twenty other dynamic women entrepreneurs, who share their powerful stories of overcoming obstacles, triumphing over adversity, and achieving success.

Tina Dezsi (photo left) and Lia Bandola present a powerful group of essays, by successful women entrepreneurs who did business their way, and won. The chapters cover all aspects of business from practical hands on management techniques to inspirational stories of turning tragedy into achievement. The stories describe how empowered women, through innovation and personal integrity, overcome societal expectations and live the business and personal lives of their dreams. Instead of playing by the rules set down by others, these powerful women created their own rules, and turned their personal aspirations into truly great companies.

Lia Bandola (photo left) and Tina Dezsi understand the importance of networking for generating success in female owned and managed companies. Through personal contacts, and sharing information and ideas with others, women are able to make huge strides toward creating and operating successful businesses. Women are natural networkers, and excel at developing personal relationships that create trust through authenticity and transparency. At the same time, these strong personal ties help create peer support for businesswomen to help one another through the inevitable rough patches that afflict every company. The sharing of ideas and assistance, along with personal support are the keys to success for these highly motivated women.

For me, the power of the book was the wide range of ideas and stories shared by a wonderful cross section of business women. The concepts range from management to assessing risk to to understanding technology in the workplace. More importantly, the essays carry powerful messages of building confidence, leadership skills, and helping other business people reach their goals. The twenty-two stories reflect different businesses and different personalities, but they all share an underlying message of hope and strong self esteem. Because of the inspirational quality of the business narratives, the reader takes away a sense of personal empowerment, and an understanding that no challenge is too great to be met and conquered.

I highly recommend the powerful and intensely personal anthology The Power of Women United by Tina Dezsi and Lia Bandola, to any business women seeking to understand their own potential for empowerment and success. The message that runs through all of the stories is one of hope, inspiration, and personal achievement. Another important thread woven in the essays is one of peer support, networking, and helping others through sharing of ideas and genuine empathy.

Read the empowering The Power of Women United by Tina Dezsi and Lia Bandola, and discover how this group of incredible women found business and personal success on their own terms. Rather than play pre-ordained societal roles, they created their own reality, and succeeded. At the same time, they shared their expertise generously with other women entrepreneurs, multiplying their success many times over. The book is their story, and tells of their triumphs and achievement, regardless of the odds against them.

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