Monday, September 21, 2009

An Extra Hour Every Day by Nicolas Soergel - Book review

Happy About an Extra Hour Every Day

By: Nicolas Soergel

Published: May 1, 2009
Format: Paperback, 106 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60005-140-1
Publisher: Happy About

"At first, you have to realize that you have enough time for all your important matters - if you want", writes CEO and time management expert Nicolas Soergel, in his practical and easy to apply book Happy About an Extra Hour Every Day. The author describes hundreds of easy to use time saving ideas that add up to extra time, that can be put to very good use at home or work, each and every day.

Nicolas Soergel understands that people face many demands on their time. He points out that each day contains only 24 hours, 1440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds, and compares those numbers to a time bank account. Each day, that balance is withdrawn in its entirety, and each day it is replenished. The author shares the valuable insight that time not used properly, is used in vain. Since there is no way to add extra hours, minutes, or seconds to that time account, the only solution to gaining time, is to reorganize how time is being used currently. For the author, that saving can be created through removing the countless time wasters that steal from the daily time account. To this end, the book contains important tips for saving time at home and at work, but also demonstrates how time can be better managed in large projects at work or even on vacations.

Nicolas Soergel (photo left) recognizes that many people will not be able to better manage their time, unless they understand clearly why they need to do so. The author suggests setting goals to be accomplished, and then allocating the time necessary to reach those goals. To find where a person is already squandering valuable time resources, Nicolas Soergel advises the use of a time diary, where times used for various tasks and leisure activities are logged and counted. This useful measuring tool will underline for the diarist exactly where time is not being used to its fullest value. Indeed, many of the most common uses of time are for tasks that are not necessary, and are even counter productive, in terms of goal achievement. Much of the powerful time saving advice offered in the book involves planning activities, and once that concept is understood and applied, it will become as natural as breathing.

For me, the power of the book is the practical hands on approach to time management, and the gaining of extra minutes, that add up to an extra hour or more per day. Included in the list of time savers are tips for gaining quick time gains to advice for reorganizing a work day or vacation time completely. Nicolas Soergel recommends starting the process of time saving slowly, and then adding more and more time management methods over the following weeks and months. In this sense, the book becomes a guide to be kept handy for advice on time management on a continual basis. By following the one step at a time approach, the reader can incorporate each technique into the day until they become automatic behavior. As one idea becomes a habit, additional time savers can be learned and used to maintain that balance in the time account more effectively.

I highly recommend the useful and rewarding book Happy About an Extra Hour Every Day by Nicolas Seorgel, to anyone seeking to regain control over their time at work and at home. From email to meetings to personal care and finance, the author shares valuable tips for preventing time leakage in every area of a person's life. Even experienced time managers will find hidden time saving gems in this information packed book, that can be used over and over in all types of home or office situations.

Read the valuable and ongoing advice offered in Happy About an Extra Hour Every Day by Nicolas Seorgel, and never again find yourself believing that there is not enough time in the day to accomplish what is truly important. The book is a wonderful guide to creating that time, and for using those precious moments wisely, and for living your life to its fullest.

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