Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Power Of Who! by Bob Beaudine - Book review

The Power of Who!

You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know

By: Bob Beaudine

Published: January 2009
Format: Hardcover, 192pp
ISBN-13: 9781599951539
ISBN: 1599951533
Publisher: Center Street

"What if each of us had been given key relationships in our lives that have been specifically placed there to help us in ways we never imagined?" writes Eastman & Beaudine CEO Bob Beaudine, in his conventional wisdom challenging book The Power of Who! You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know. The author recommends strongly that a person cast aside well known ideas about networking, and concentrate on working with the people already in a person's circle of family, friends, and closest associates.

Bob Beaudine turns popular ideas about networking upside down. Instead of recommending the usual practice of meeting more people, in order to achieve one's dreams, the author suggests looking to your closest friends and family first. Bob Beaudine recognizes that only a small percentage of people end up living their dreams, partly because they believe they have to build their future on their own. Nothing could be farther from the truth, writes the author. People need other people to help them build their ideal life, and that means asking others for assistance. Because family and friends are the most likely to help, either directly or through their own personal network, they are the best source of what Bob Beaudine calls your Who.

Bob Beaudine (photo left) understands that people are often reluctant to ask for help, especially from family and friends. All too often, feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy work to prevent that important request for assistance. The author points out that no one achieves their destiny on their own. Everyone who succeeds in life receives help. Teams build success and not lone wolves. At the same time, people aren't always certain as to what they really want to achieve in life. Discovering one's personal goals, and recognizing the true dream and path to destiny are essential to achieving happiness. For Bob Beaudine, there is no one more likely to help reach those goals than your family and closest friends. They are the Who that will make your dreams come true.

For me, the power of the book was Bob Beaudine's crucial, but often overlooked insight, that everyone already knows the right people to help in making their dreams a reality. All too often, people are steered away from their destiny by chasing personal contacts who may not ever be willing or able to help them. The best and most effective recommendations and personal introductions will always come from those people in your personal Who. They are the people with your best interests at heart. Another power of the book is the powerful interview advice given to job hunters or those seeking business contracts. In both cases, the support of the Who in one's life will lead to the best opportunities, as well as provide the finest references.

I highly recommend the career and life transforming book The Power of Who! You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know by Bob Beaudine, to anyone seeking to reach their life goals and their personal destiny. The message in the book, that everyone already knows the people who can make those dreams a reality, is liberating to the spirit. In place of the fear of not knowing the allegedly right people, the best people for you are already there in your own circle of close friends and associates. Their concentric rings of other friends and associates is brought into play, by those in your life who care the most about you and your success.

Read the insightful book The Power of Who! You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know by Bob Beaudine, and get to know and work more closely with your own personal Who. They not only want to help your make your dreams a reality, they are willing to do everything in their power to assist you along your journey to your personal destiny. The Who in your life is a very powerful force indeed.

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