Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Home Office From Hell Cure by Jeffrey Landers - Book review

The Home Office from Hell Cure

Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success

By: Jeffery A. Landers

Published: Apr 1, 2008
ISBN: 9781599181677
Format: Paperback, 235pp
Publisher: Entrepreneur Pr

You can transform your stalled, time wasting home based business into the successful company of your dreams, in just one hundred days, writes Jeffrey Landers in his practical handbook The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success. Whether your goal is growth to an employee based company or to enjoy the lifestyle of working from home, the book provides a detailed blueprint for success.

Jeffrey Landers pulls no punches, regarding the many time losing and profit draining obstacles, that stand in the way of a successful home based business. With humour and real life examples, the author demonstrates that achieving the business you always wanted is possible. The book examines the entrepreneurial goals of businesses geared for growth and expansion through selecting the right out of home premises. At the same time, a business person wanting to maintain the flexibility of the home based lifestyle, is shown how virtual assistants can take over less profitable routine tasks.

Jeffrey Landers (photo left) recommends practical techniques that have proven
effective in the real world of business. He uses them in his own company. As a result, the reader gains the experience of the author's own successes and failures. After establishing the type of company the entrepreneur seeks to build, the Jeffrey Landers switches to building a reputation as an expert in the chosen niche market. The advice offered is effective for businesses of any size, and for entrepreneurs with very different goals and industries.

For me, the power of the book is in its practical approach to building a successful home based company. The structure of the book is a daily task based system that helps the business person take small steps toward the overall goal. The overall plan is to reach the target in one hundred days. Many of the steps are tiny and can be done in minutes.

Some of the other assignments are larger, more difficult, and require a real commitment on the part of the entrepreneur. This demand on the home based business owner, to act decisively, is a major part of the book's strength. No half hearted attempt will work, and that fact is recognized by the author. Personal responsibility is a requirement for business success.

I highly recommend The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success by Jeffrey Landers to any home based entrepreneur who is serious about their business. Whether your goal is to become the next major corporation or to work from your pajamas at home, this book will steer you in the right direction.

Read The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success by Jeffrey Landers and turn your home based business into the company of your dreams.

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