Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jeffrey Landers: The Home Office from Hell Cure - Blog Business Success Radio

Home based business expert and entrepreneur Jeffrey Landers, author of the practical handbook The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success, describes a step-by-step, manageable, daily tasks system to get home based entrepreneurs onto a schedule, that will take your business to a whole new level in only 100 days. Jeff Landers shares the steps to achieving expert status in any field, regardless of your company's goals, to help build your business success.

Jeffrey Landers is my internet radio show guest on Blog Business Success; hosted live on Blog Talk Radio.

The show airs live on Thursday, April 17, at 8:00 pm Eastern Time; 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

Entrepreneur Jeffrey Landers describes a straight forward, easy to follow system to get home-based entrepreneurs onto a regular schedule, that will take your business to an entirely new level in only 100 days. You will learn:

* What prevents your home based business from reaching its full potential

* How to build your business whether your goals are growth or lifestyle oriented

* What are the first steps to take to achieving home based business success

* How to become a recognized expert in your industry niche

Jeff Landers (photo left) has been in the commercial real estate business for over three decades. He is the founder and president of the innovative office space search engine,, now celebrating its seventh year successfully helping start-ups and home-based businesses make the leap from home office to "real" office.

As the pioneer of the nation's first and oldest Internet database for shared office space, he has helped thousands of businesses find office space in cities throughout the U.S. His site focuses exclusively on short-term, ready-to-use office space. This type of space is ideally suited for start-ups, small businesses, consultants/professionals, and any other businesses that want to avoid the upfront costs and long lease terms that are typically required when renting "traditional" office space.

Before forming his Web-based business, Jeff directed his own traditional real estate firm, Landers Commercial Real Estate, Inc., from 1989-1998 specializing in helping Japanese companies set-up shop in the U.S.

Prior to this, Jeff worked for Marine Midland Bank, where he expanded the office locations for the bank's $3.5 billion credit subsidiary and before that as a commercial real estate broker with Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate (now CB Richard Ellis). In the early 1980s, Jeff was the Director of Office Leasing for Merrill Lynch where he oversaw the site selection, financial analysis, lease negotiation, design, and construction of Merrill's offices and retail locations throughout the United States.

In total, Jeff has successfully negotiated more than 900 lease contracts totaling over six million square feet of office space throughout the United States. He has taught himself Japanese, run several marathons, and invented and patented an exercise machine. He began attending Columbia University at age 15. He also studied law at Pace University School of Law.

My book review of The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success by Jeff Landers.

Listen live on Thursday at 8:00 pm Eastern, 5:00 pm Pacific time.

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If you miss this very informative show, it will be available for free download as a podcast for iPod, iTunes, and MP3 players; or play it right on your computer. To download this, or any other of my guest interviews, go to the Blog Business Success host page and click on Archived Segments. Once there, click on the podcast icon at the end of the episode description, to download the show free of charge for your listening enjoyment. You can also subscribe to the show feed.

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To call in questions for my guest, the number is: (347) 996-5832

Let's talk with Jeffrey Landers, author of the practical handbook The Home Office from Hell Cure: Transform Your Underperforming, Time-sucking Homebased Business into a Runaway Success, as he describes a step-by-step, manageable, daily tasks system to get home based entrepreneurs onto a schedule, that will take your business to a whole new level in only 100 days. Jeff Landers shares the steps to achieving expert status in any field, regardless of your company's goals, to help build your business success on Blog Business Success Radio.

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