Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System by Forrest Breyfogle III - Book review

The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System

An Enhanced, Unified Approach to Balanced Scorecards, Strategic Planning, and Business Improvement

By: Forrest W. Breyfogle III

Published: Feb 1, 2008
ISBN: 9781934454114
Format: Paperback, 216pp
Publisher: Bridgeway Books

Conventional strategic planning can lead to activities that are not in the best interest of the organization as a whole, writes Forrest W. Breyfogle III in the definitive textbook The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System: An Enhanced, Unified Approach to Balanced Scorecards, Strategic Planning, and Business Improvement. The book describes in detail how to create a culture, that changes from one of firefighting problems to an orchestrated system, where everyone does the Right thing the Right way at the Right time.

The author demonstrates clearly how to create an organization where the system encourages the right behaviour from everyone. All too often, in many companies, the metrics chosen for measurement are the wrong ones. Instead of providing information that is beneficial to the overall system, the incorrect metrics are detrimental to the organization as a whole. Data collected without an eye to the entire system is often flawed, and sometimes invalid statistically. The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System (IEE) replaces these flawed project based metrics with system wide strategies that work together, and not as is so often seen, against one another.

Forrest Breyfogle (photo left) provides a detailed textbook for changing the strategy of an organization to a system based enterprise. He describes in detail how to set overall organizational goals using the right metrics for measuring results. Creating and developing the right measurement tools encourages employees to take the correct course of action.

The removal of flawed metrics, that encourage staff to embark upon counter-productive activities to make the numbers look good, is a powerful first step toward viewing the company as an overall system. Instead of putting out fires, the employees can get on with the work of helping the company grow and create profit.

For me, the power of the book is its detailed explanation for application of an IEE model for any organization. The author describes the process, for systemic change in a step by step format, that turns a series of complex concepts into an understandable one. The author demonstrates how to build upon such well known tools as Lean, Six Sigma and Scorecards to create a unified whole with an IEE System in place.

With the integrated tools in hand, strategic planning becomes focussed on the entire system, and not a series of projects. Staff know the right approach to a problem and can apply it in the right way, at the the right time. The reduction of variation in results, and correctly applied and analyzed metrics, reduce the need for firefighting activities to a minimum, saving both time and money.

I highly recommend The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System: An Enhanced, Unified Approach to Balanced Scorecards, Strategic Planning, and Business Improvement by Forrest Breyfogle for anyone serious about developing a system wide approach to organizational management, strategy, and goal setting.

Read The Integrated Enterprise Excellence System: An Enhanced, Unified Approach to Balanced Scorecards, Strategic Planning, and Business Improvement by Forrest Breyfogle and stop putting out fires, and start making greater profits.

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