Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Chic Entrepreneur by Elizabeth W. Gordon (with Leanna Adams) - Book review

The Chic Entrepreneur

Put Your Business in Higher Heels

By: Elizabeth Gordon, Leanna Adams

Published: May 31, 2008
ISBN: 9781934759042
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Robert D. Reed Pub

Any woman can be an entrepreneur. Putting your business in higher heels means making it more successful and making it more attractive to others, write Elizabeth Gordon and Leanna Adams in their powerful women's business guide book to success The Chic Entrepreneur: Put Your Business in Higher Heels. The authors demonstrate that the feminine approach to building and running a business works precisely because the entrepreneurs are women.

Elizabeth Gordon (photo left) and Leanna Adams recognize that entrepreneurship and operating a business is reaching a series of destinations in a longer journey to success. The book provides the road map to help the chic entrepreneur steer her course safely on that often difficult road. The chic entrepreneur understands that business has risk and reward, and he takes both in stride with style and sass.

In each chapter, the authors compare and contrast different business styles, helping the chic entrepreneur stand out from the crowd. Often going against conventional wisdom, the chic entrepreneur does it her own way, by providing her own unique value, while learning from the successes of others. The authors help guide the chic entrepreneur on her personal pathway to business success.

Elizabeth Gordon and Leanna Adams (photo left) share business ideas that leap from every page, with examples of how providing unique value works for the chic entrepreneur, and how chasing after the crowd will only catch her high heels in a sidewalk grate. From setting up her business plan, to attracting the ideal customers and employees, the authors provide the basics for entrepreneurial prosperity. They take the reader through sales and marketing, cash flow, and the development of business systems without missing a beat.

For me, the power of the book was its practical step by step approach to entrepreneurship, combined with real world examples to back up the concepts. Each chapter is well summarized, and has bonus tips sprinkled through each chapter to stimulate more creative thinking and idea development. At the same time, the authors help motivate the chic entrepreneur, to take the steps necessary, to create her own successful business venture. The book combines realism and optimism, in just the right recipe, for entrepreneurial success.

I highly recommend The Chic Entrepreneur: Put Your Business in Higher Heels by Elizabeth Gordon with Leanna Addams, to any women who are serious about starting their own business. The book guides the chic entrepreneur, as she wears higher heels than her competition, and sets herself apart in the market with style and panache.

Read The Chic Entrepreneur: Put Your Business in Higher Heels by Elizabeth Gordon with Leanna Addams, for a guide to being the successful and chic entrepreneur you always dreamed possible. Any woman can be a chic entrepreneur and the sky is the limit to her success and achievement.

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