Monday, August 25, 2008

Hugh Ballou: Transforming Power - Author Interview

1. Your book is titled Transforming Power. What do you mean by transformation?

Hugh Ballou: Examine at the word Transform. It is not merely change, or we would simply say “change”. It is a verb with an expanded vision and is much more transcendent. It implies a deeper, more fundamental alteration of our very form. (trans – form) The continuing process of transformation begins with the moment of inspiration and continues in us through times of action, rest and reflection. The conductor is in a unique position to effect and change people’s lives. Musical conductors are a fine-tuned instrument and a great model for transformational leadership. Conductors understand transformation experientially. The very nature of our work is that of transformation. My paradigm for teaching leadership is from that of the conductor.

2. Your book focuses on leadership. How do you define leadership?

Hugh Ballou: A conductor can waive his or her hands in the air, but nothing happens until singers and/or instrumentalists make some sound and follow the directions of the conductor. With a leader of teams, whether in business or the non-profit world, nothing happens until team members participate. If nobody is following, then the leader is not effective. To qualify as a leader someone must follow. Each leadership trainer has a definition for leadership. I believe that leadership involves inspiring people to respond to your vision and direction.

3. Many people are discouraged by the quality of the leaders today. Is there a way for inspired leaders to develop and grow in today's communities, businesses, and political arenas?

Hugh Ballou: Poor leadership is a primary cause for failure for organizations. There are many reasons people fail to lead and many ways to measure effective leadership. There are more resources available today for training and inspiring leaders to develop their skills. It takes a willingness on the part of the leader to admit that they need to grow their skills. Every leader needs the following:
• A resource library of books, recordings, workbooks, articles
• A peer support group
• A mastermind group
• An executive coach
Whether the leader is successful or not is not a factor – every leader needs the resources listed. If you are very effective, then continue to grow your skills in order to stay at the top of your game. If you are an emerging leader, then develop good learning strategies immediately.

4. How did you select the stories chosen for the book?

Hugh Ballou: First, I made a list of the effective leaders I already knew and had worked with. Next, I evaluated how they would fit into the theme for this book. Finally, I asked them if they would participate in the project. I also asked some of the leaders to give me names of other leaders who could fit this theme and they chose from this list as well. Only two people I invited could not participate because of other project commitments. No contributor asked about what was in it for them. The focus was on sharing stories to support other leaders.

5. The many stories within the book describe different leaders and how their leadership made a difference. How can the stories help leaders improve their existing skills?

Hugh Ballou: There are a variety of experiences, situations and perspectives in the collection. There is inspiration in discovering just how different leaders approached different situations. Good leadership is good leadership – no matter what the context, geography or type of organization. Leaders work with people implementing a vision. Readers will notice that the leaders represented in this anthology had clarity of vision and the determination to succeed. In most cases, while the overall objective is achieved, the most important factor or factors my not be the achievement of goals and objectives, but the overall effect of the various projects on people’s lives.
In my story, I described building a children’s program in a church that had lost energy and focus. This program gave energy to the overall community in addition to just those directly involved. The story by BJ Dohrmann is about his journey from being in prison to forming an entrepreneur forum that impacts people’s lives and teaches business leaders how to stay in compliance as they grow their businesses.

Hugh Ballou (photo left)

6. There are also stories in the book about goal setting. How important are goals to achieving transformation?

Hugh Ballou: Goals are crucial to success. The common thread with successful leaders over the years is the ability to focus on specific goals. Napoleon Hill interviewed the most successful leaders in the world as he did the research for Andrew Carnegie, which ultimately resulted in his famous book, Think and Grow Rich. He identified the laws of success, which were a common element with the leaders he interviewed. Being able to focus on a specific goal and to envision the realization of that goal is a fundamental key for success.

7. People have different skills and talents and lead in different ways. Are there common features to all great leaders whether in your company or local community, or on a global stage?

Hugh Ballou: Yes, leaders have an end result clearly in mind and are willing to communicate that vision to others. Leaders are also willing to step up and take charge of the process as well as work with those whom they lead to direct each person toward that final goal. Leaders my each have different styles, but a common skill of moving people toward a common target. Each leads with the unique traits of their individual personality through a chosen leadership style.

8. Sometimes leaders are found in unusual and unexpected places. How can these hidden talented people be discovered and demonstrate their leadership skills?

Hugh Ballou: The Transformational Leader works through those whom they lead to teach and empower the unique skills of each individual. In short the Transformational Leader builds strong teams with emerging and mature leaders supporting the team. It is the privilege and well as the responsibility of the Transformational Leader to nurture and coach leaders on his or her team building synergy and unity of purpose.

9. How can leadership skills be developed in oneself and in others around us?

Hugh Ballou: In the writings of Napoleon Hill, he gives a vision of the mastermind group process. A mastermind group is a peer group for leadership focus and problem solving. I make it a practice to associate with leaders who have more advanced skills than myself to learn and challenge myself to grow in ways that I do not yet know. It is important for each leader and each team member to posses a positive mental attitude and constantly look for new leadership “tools’ for his or her leadership toolkit.

10. What is next for Hugh Ballou?

Hugh Ballou: Hugh Ballou is defining his goals for the next 3 years which include a focus on building the identity of the “Transformation Leadership Strategist.” This includes not only teaching Transformational Leadership skills to leaders, but also includes teaching team strategies and processes for effective transformation. I have two books currently in the works to be released in the fall of 2008, Leaders Transform: A Guide for Transformational Leadership and Leaders Transform: Workbook for Implementing Transformational Strategies. There is also another support for Christian Leaders in preparation for next year called, A Daily Devotional Guide for Transformational Leaders. Along with these 7 books, I am preparing audio trainings, lesson guides and online training systems for leaders to access on a regular basis while accomplishing their goals. My first goal is to share these tools with larger audiences, either as trainer or keynote speaker, or process facilitator for planning sessions or leadership retreats.

Thank you Hugh.

My Book review of Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders for Encouragement and Inspiration by Hugh Ballou

Hugh Ballou (photo left), Motivational Speaker, Leadership Trainer, Author
Orchestrating Success

How does a conductor of orchestras and choirs teach leadership – very enthusiastically! Hugh Ballou teaches leaders around the globe how to build synergy with teams and how to build effective processes that bring success to any organization – no matter how small or how big. “I travel around the country and around the world and find that you can change the name of the organization, the location and the type of structure and you will still have the same issues – leaders not leading effectively!

Ballou brings 40 years of experience as conductor to his leadership training. “I call the training Building High Performance Teams, but no one can produce effective teams without fine-tuned leadership skills. I teach business executives how an orchestra conductor brings out the best skill of the players that have been hired. The conductor is a dictator, however, if the conductor hires a good oboe player, then it’s best to let that oboe player use his or her skill rather than tell then how to play the oboe!” It sounds silly, however, leaders who micro-manage those whom they lead only receive a fraction of the performance that is ultimately possible. Let the team perform!

The skill set of planning for success, constructing powerful goals, and delegating with authority are consistent themes where many leaders under perform.

Ballou’s unique ability in inspire and motivate event the most difficult of audiences has made him the expert in the field of Transformational Leadership. Transformational Leaders build strong leaders on teams that are motivated, focused and highly effective in setting and implementing powerful goals.

As author of 5 books on Transformational Leadership, Ballou works as executive coach, process facilitator, trainer and motivational speaker teaching leaders in many diverse fields the fine-tune skills employed every day by orchestral conductors.


Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders for Encouragement and Inspiration
Moving Spirits, Building Lives: Church Musician as Transformational Leader
Moving Spirits, Building Lives: A Workbook for Transformational Leaders
Building High Performance Teams: Systems and Structures for Leading Teams
and Empowering Transformation
Leaders Transform: A Guide for Leaders Transforming Organizations
(September 2009)
For information on Transforming Power

For information on Hugh Ballou (photo left)

Transform Your Organization Today!

Most people can accomplish some level of success, but being transformed is a whole new level of achievement!

• Read 20 miraculous true stories from creative and exciting leaders who have transformed their thinking and doing!
• Use their inspiration, wisdom, and restore your hope - breathe new life into your productiveness!
• Don't just lead, transform!

The key to transformation is different for each individual, group, or organization. Hugh Ballou has brought together a collection of over 20 articles and stories from individuals who have experienced real life transformations of themselves or their institution. The inspiration offered from the words will enlist a sense of hope and perseverance during difficult times of change. Discover inspiration and transformation through the struggles of other leaders!

For more information about Hugh Ballou – visit Book information is available at

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Virtual Blog Tours

– Hugh Ballou has compiled a list of great FREE bonus gifts for anyone who purchases Transforming Power today. To see a sample of the items that are being given away, visit . Just buy a copy of Transforming Power, return to this page and click to submit your invoice number to receive the web page link to download all of these gifts for FREE.

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