Saturday, August 30, 2008

Emerging Real Estate Markets by David Lindahl - Book review

Emerging Real Estate Markets

How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas

By: David Lindahl

Published: Oct 7, 2007
ISBN: 9780470174661
Format: Hardcover, 228pp
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc

The key to making money in emerging markets is understanding the real estate market cycle, writes David Lindahl in his ground breaking book Emerging Real Estate Markets: How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas. By concentrating on emerging real estate markets, with real growth potential, David Lindahl provides the road map to making money in real estate, while others are losing their shirts.

David Lindahl provides the potential real estate investor with the first ever guide book with a focus on emerging markets. While most books on the subject recommend staying close to home, due to familiarity with the local conditions, the author teaches how to purchase bargain properties in areas that are poised for growth. While other real estate experts attempt to forecast the bottom of the current real estate crash, David Lindahl has the investor go directly to the areas that are at the bottom of the real estate cycle; and have probably been at that level for years.

David Lindahl (photo left) understands that most people make the same mistakes in purchasing real estate over and over again. The pay too much money for a property, right at the very top of the market. At the peak, there is little to no room for property values to rise. Instead, the market is turning downward at that point, and losses are inevitable for bubble purchasers.

People buy when others are buying in a herding instinct. When everyone believes real property is the worst possible investment ever, again in a herding instinct, that is a time when values may start to rise once again. Adding to this principle, the author also points out that there must be growth potential in the area to facilitate that possible valuation increase. The author recognizes that not all depressed areas are poised for a revitalization, and he shares the strategies and tactics for finding just the right locations.

For me, the power of the book is its practical approach to evaluating real estate markets, and its honest assessment of the pitfalls of the real estate cycles. David Lindahl doesn't offer the usual nostrums that real estate always goes up and that now is the best time to buy property. Instead, the author points out that real estate can fall drastically in value, and that investors can lose everything by not understanding the real estate cycle.

The book shows many different techniques for finding good values in real estate at the bottom of the cycle, and how to purchase them correctly. He also demonstrates how to sell the properties to cash out the accrued equity at the peak of the cycle. David Lindahl also points out, with refreshing honesty, that buying at the bottom of a cycle, or selling near the peak of a buying frenzy, won't gain you praise from others. He prefers to teach investors how to sell the properties for a huge profit, in the face of that herd mentality.

I highly recommend Emerging Real Estate Markets: How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas by David Lindahl to anyone who is serious about investing in real estate by understanding the real estate market cycle. The many different strategies for buying and selling real estate provide options for the reader to apply at different times in different markets. There is no one technique that is presented as the whole truth, giving the investor the power of flexibility in widely diverse locations.

Read Emerging Real Estate Markets: How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas by David Lindahl, and discover the emerging real estate markets while avoiding the areas at the top of their value cycle, and are about to decline. Buying real estate for profit is possible in any economy, and the book shows you how to start your real estate empire today.

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