Monday, January 5, 2009

Be A Dog With A Bone by Peggy McColl - Book review

Be a Dog With a Bone

Always Go for Your Dreams

By: Peggy McColl

Published: Jan 6, 2009
ISBN: 9781401924645
Format: Hardcover, 160pp
Publisher: Hay House Inc.

You never know how tough you are until someone takes your bone away, writes best selling author Peggy McColl in her enjoyable and inspirational book Be a Dog With a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams. The author employs an intriguing dog metaphor to provide life changing messages on achieving goals, dreams, and personal success.

Peggy McColl shares her inspirational life lessons in a unique, and very memorable format. By applying the lessons learned from the world of dogs, the author parallels those lessons to living a happier and more fulfilling life. When a dog gets a bone, they don't give it up very easily. In fact, the dog becomes more determined to keep the bone, the more someone attempts to wrestle it away. That dogged persistence, displayed by our canine friends, is a model that people can emulate in their business and in their life. With so many distractions and wrong roads to take in life, being persistent in following the right dream, is essential to success.

Peggy McColl (photo left) recognizes the importance of setting and striving to reach goals in life. She understands that many people are sidetracked by other events in their lives, and need support and help to maintain their focus. Instead of chasing false trails, and wasting time on pointless activities, Peggy McColl shows the reader how to resist that often tantalizing urge. The author also points out that asking for help and offering help, is mutually beneficial for both the giver and the recipient, of the assistance.

For me, the power of the book is in its focus on achieving success, through the easy to understand metaphor of dog behavior. The examples from the canine world help to underline the lessons, and provide instant visual cues, to understanding and remembering the message. As an inspirational work, the book is very helpful, and its brevity enables the reader to absorb the information in one reading. Because the book is presented in a playful way, reading the book is a pleasure, that can be enhanced further with additional readings.

I highly recommend Be a Dog With a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams by Peggy McColl, to anyone seeking a brief, and enjoyable handbook for setting goals and achieving success. The examples given, from a dog's eye view, give a pleasurable tone to the inspirational message.

Read Be a Dog With a Bone: Always Go for Your Dreams by Peggy McColl, and learn the power of thinking of the world, as perceived by a dog. The lessons learned from man's best friend are well worth noting, and applying to the achievement of human success in business and in life.

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