Monday, January 19, 2009

Noble Enterprise by Darwin Gillett - Book review

Noble Enterprise

The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits

By: Darwin Gillett

Published: Aug 30, 2008
ISBN: 9781605201184
Format: Paperback, 252pp
Publisher: Cosimo, Inc

Our economic system must evolve to meet the changing needs and aspirations of humanity, writes transformational author Darwin Gillett, in his thought provoking book Noble Enterprise: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits. The author demonstrates clearly how a fulfilled and empowered workforce is beneficial to a company and to the economy as a whole.

Darwin Gillett demonstrates clearly his concept, that companies must meet the needs of both the inner dimension of its employees as people, with the outer dimension of traditional business practices. Far from being a coddling of employees, the author recognizes that motivated employees perform better and are more productive on the job. Empowering and trusting employees, while boosting their morale, creates a more profitable and respected company. By taking a holistic approach that considers both people and process, a company will develop a sustainable, competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Darwin Gillett (photo left) provides the powerful case study of how visionary CEO Bill Catucci of AT&T Canada empowered, and built relationships within and outside of the company. In doing so, he turned the near bankrupt telecommunications corporation into an industry leader. Through trust, vision, and a spirit of integrity to do the right thing, the formerly distrustful employees were transformed into leaders in their own right, who facilitated the company's dramatic turnaround. The At&T example shows clearly how a new relationship focused economy is replacing the former knowledge based capitalism.

For me, the power of the book is the recognition that business management can profit and build sustainable companies through ethical treatment of employees, customers, shareholders, and the economy as a whole. At the same time, a executives can focus on developing effective processes to streamline the entire business operation. The two aspects of sound business and meeting the spiritual needs of employees, are at the heart of a holistic and sustainable enterprise. When a company's vision is based on cooperation, ethics, and integrity, the business is more profitable, is sustainable for the longer term, and more respected by the general public.

I highly recommend Noble Enterprise: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits by Darwin Gillett to anyone seeking a more holistic approach to business management. For managers who are serious about building a visionary company, that cares about people, this is the ideal book for developing the business.

Read Noble Enterprise: The Commonsense Guide to Uplifting People and Profits by Darwin Gillett, and recognize that motivated and empowered employees are the backbone of a profitable company. Ethical business is good business practice, and this book proves that fact through real world examples and practical humanistic ideas.

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