Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Celebrity Experience by Donna Cutting - Book review

The Celebrity Experience

Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service

By: Donna Cutting

Published: Jan 9, 2008
ISBN: 9780470174012
Format: Hardcover, 256pp
Publisher: Wiley

When it all comes together, your company will stand out as being one of only a few rare companies that truly give their customers honest to goodness red carpet customer service, writes red carpet fan Donna Cutting, in her essential guide to extraordinary customer service, The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service. Drawing on the worlds of Hollywood and business, the author fuses the concept of outstanding customer service, with the red carpet treatment given to celebrities, and transforms real world customers into stars.

Donna Cutting understands that many businesses don't provide good customer service, and she describes many examples of this business destroying phenomenon. At the same time, the author recognizes that Hollywood, music, media, and sports celebrities are given the royal treatment. Instead of treating customers differently, based on often incorrect perceptions, Donna Cutting recommends rolling out the red carpet for every customer. Everyone wants to be treated as special, and deserves to be accorded respect. People given respect will return the favour, and share their superior customer experience with others. Good customer service is simply good business practice.

Donna Cutting (photo left) shares stories of business people who have gone above and beyond the expected level of service, and provided the extraordinary. The employees offering the personalized treatment, and who demonstrated genuine interest in their clientele, were also happier employees. Staff turnover is lower, according to Donna Cutting, and repeat business and referrals were much higher at the companies using customer services best practices. The profiled elite providers were more fun workplaces for staff members, and were memorable occasions for customers.

For me, the power of the book was not only the practical ideas that any business can put into practice to enhance its customer service experience, but the recognition of the power of personal respect. Movie stars are accustomed to getting the very finest of service, everywhere they go in the world. By offering similar respect and courtesy to everyone who contacts a business, the employees and customers are engaged in the experience. Sharing very personal, and highly focused attention to each and every person, as if they were the Hollywood elite, creates joy as it develops an environment of mutual respect.

I highly recommend the destined to be classic The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service by Donna Cutting, to anyone who is serious about offering top notch customer service to their clients. Companies providing a unique and buss worthy customer experience will attract more customers, and retain their clientele for life.

Read The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red Carpet Customer Service by Donna Cutting, and roll out the red carpet for every person you meet. Your business will be more profitable, your customers happier, your employee morale will rise, and everyone will enjoy and fuller and richer life.

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