Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Entrepreneur Journeys by Sramana Mitra - Book review

Entrepreneur Journeys

By: Sramana Mitra

Published: Sept 15, 2008
ISBN: 9781439206874
Format: Paperback, 250pp
Publisher: Booksurge LLC

"For in entrepreneurship, I believe, lie solutions to many of the problems facing our modern world", writes Silicon Valley based technology entrepreneur and strategy consultant Sramana Mitra, in her inspirational book Entrepreneur Journeys. Through a series of interviews, that read like a powerful collection of short stories, the author conveys the power of entrepreneurship and technology to provide solutions to real human needs and problems on local, national and global scales.

Sramana Mitra presents stories of business successes and challenges as the entrepreneurs follow their dreams and achieved their visions. Through the power of technology, and the internet in particular, entrepreneurs are changing the way business success is found and measured, both now and in the future. Each story is complete in itself, but also part of the larger story of how business and technology, in the hands of dedicated entrepreneurs, can improve the world for everyone.

Sramana Mitra (photo left) understands the power of globalization and its impact on people. She also recognizes that globalization can be a powerful force for solving real world problems and meeting the needs of everyday people. Not only can a person make a positive impact on life in one region of the world, but through entrepreneurship and the evolving power of the internet, benefits can be shared around the world. For the author, entrepreneurs harnessing the advances in technology can improve quality of life for all concerned.

For me, the power of the book is writer Sramana Mitra's message that entrepreneurship is the true key to improving life at home and across the globe. Because the internet, and other personalized technology have leveled the competitive playing field, small business people can compete successfully with the giant corporations in their industry. By moving quickly to embrace advances in technology, and employing the personalization potential of Web 3.0, entrepreneurs can build and enhance their customer relationships far beyond what was available in the past.

I highly recommend the visionary book Entrepreneur Journeys by Sramana Mitra, to anyone seeking the inspiration to take the entrepreneurial leap. The narratives and interviews within the book demonstrate clearly that entrepreneurship is a powerful force for positive global change. Indeed, the author makes the important case for independent business as the key to a brighter future for all people.

Read the fascinating Entrepreneur Journeys by Sramana Mitra, and start on the journey to entrepreneurial success. The world your new business will change might be much more than your own.

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