Saturday, April 4, 2009

You Buy The Peanut Butter, I'll Get The Bread by Kirsten Poe Hill & Renee E. Warren - Book review

You Buy the Peanut Butter, I'll Get the Bread

The Absolutely True Adventures of Best Friends in Business

By: Kirsten Poe Hill, Renee E. Warren

Published: Mar 31, 2009
ISBN: 9780452290143
Format: Paperback, 224pp
Publisher: Plume

"When you work for yourself, you are a survivor," write entrepreneurs Kirsten Poe Hill and Renee E. Warren in their deeply personal and inspiring book You Buy the Peanut Butter, I'll Get the Bread: The Absolutely True Adventures of Best Friends in Business. With an honesty, and an engaging autobiographical style, the best friends turned entrepreneurs, write of their ups and downs as they opened and operated a successful media relations company.

Kirsten Poe Hill (photo left) and Renee E. Warren share the joys and sorrows of entrepreneurship. Whether cash was scarce, utilities were being shut off for lack of payment, or if the IRS was threatening to close their company, the authors' survival instincts carried the day. With good spirits, and no regrets, the book chronicles the highs and lows that make owning a business a wonderful journey. The hard times serve to make even the smallest of triumphs that much more sweet to savor and enjoy. Told with humor and complete honesty, their story inspires as it instructs, not only about business but about the power of friendship as well.

Renee E. Warren (photo left) and Kirsten Poe Hill started their business as friends, and their friendship endured the worst of time, and formed the true basis of their success. Each of these remarkable women brought her unique strengths to the company, and they covered for each others weaknesses. The title of the book symbolizes the sharing of strengths, and how the whole was indeed greater than the sum of its parts. Writing in first person narrative, each woman lays open her soul, and the love of their friendship sparkles on every page. It's clear that without one another's support, the company would never have survived and prospered.

For me, the power of the book was its intensely personal telling of its two important stories. One side of the narrative tells of the founding and operation of a successful media company. The mistakes and successes of running that organization are described in detail, with an eye to understanding how to create a successful company. The importance and joys of the entrepreneur's journey are only part of the story, however.

The second, and more important part of the book is about the power of friendship. The bond between the two authors, and their mutual support even through their company's darkest moments, form the central core of the book. With that sharing together, whether of dollars or of peanut butter sandwiches, their dream was never allowed to fail or die.

I highly recommend the simply told but ultimately powerful You Buy the Peanut Butter, I'll Get the Bread: The Absolutely True Adventures of Best Friends in Business by Kirsten Poe Hill and Renee E. Warren, to any aspiring entrepreneurs. The story of their trials and tribulations, as well as their victories and successes will inspire other business people to reach for the stars. At the same time, the book shares the power of friendship and the triumph of the human spirit to overcome any adversity.

Read the wonderful You Buy the Peanut Butter, I'll Get the Bread: The Absolutely True Adventures of Best Friends in Business by Kirsten Poe Hill, and discover how something as simple as sharing scarce money for bread and peanut butter could form the foundation of a successful company. Learn how the power of friendship and trust can truly overcome any obstacles on the road to success in any aspect of life.

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