Saturday, April 25, 2009

Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim - Book review

Escape from Cubicle Nation

From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur

By: Pamela Slim

Published: April 30, 2009
ISBN: 9781591842576
Format: Hardcover, 352pp
Publisher: Portfolio

"I am sure that if you worked in the corporate world for any length of time, you had your own moment when you realized that your job would never be secure", writes blogger and entrepreneur Pamela Slim in her practical and insightful book Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur. The author shares her own experiences, both within and outside the corporate world, for leaving her job and in establishing her own company.

Pamela Slim understands the real world frustration that exists for many employees in a corporate setting. She experienced many of those same problems, where existing corporate practice shared no connection with the real world, or with real people. She outlines the disconnection between words and actions, and how corporate employees often endure lives bordering on desperation. Despite the lack of job satisfaction, writes Pamela Slim, many workers are reluctant to leave the perceived security of job, title, status, and a regular pay day. He book describes how employees seeking to start their own businesses experience roadblocks to their plans, stemming from both inner and outer imposed causes.

Pamela Slim (photo left) demonstrates how to take the step from corporate employee to entrepreneur, through careful preparation and understanding of personal goals, values, and aspirations. Drawing from her corporate experience, and from the responses of thousands of visitors to her very successful business blog, the author uncovers common themes leading to employee discontent. She turns these frustrations into motivations for leaving the corporate world and venturing forth into the journey of self employment.

For Pamela Slim, the very internal culture of many modern corporations, and their emphasis on what prove to be counterproductive values, leads directly to employee dissatisfaction. Very often, the stated goals and mission of the company, are in complete opposition to the actual corporate practices. Instead of satisfied and happy employees, the company creates frustrated, unhappy literal corporate prisoners.

For me, the power of the book is how author Pamela Slim recognizes that starting one's own business is hard work, but at the same time, is very liberating and empowering for the individual. She outlines how to take those crucial first steps toward planning what she terms an escape from the corporate world. The author provides a step by step approach to starting and building a new business, while balancing the practical instruction with personal encouragement and inspiration. Pamela Slim guides the would be corporate refugee to a new life as an entrepreneur, through the application of the values, that she and her fellow escapees hold most highly.

I highly recommend the motivational guidebook Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur by Pamela Slim, to anyone who has ever felt the frustration of working in an unsatisfying corporate job, and who longs to take the entrepreneurial leap. In these times of economic downturn, corporate layoffs, and job insecurity, there is no better time than the present to start your own business.

Read Escape from Cubicle Nation: From Corporate Prisoner to Thriving Entrepreneur by Pamela Slim, and leave that company cubicle far behind. You have nothing to lose but your job dissatisfaction. In its place, you have your personal freedom to gain.

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