Monday, July 27, 2009

Building Business Value by Martin O'Neill - Book review

Building Business Value

How to Command a Premium Price for Your Midsized Company

By: Martin O'Neill

Published: May 1, 2009
Format: Hardcover, 156 pages
ISBN: 0982056907
Publisher: Third Bridge Press

"As a C-level executive, your main priority and commitment to your company is to build value". writes Corsum Consulting business strategist Martin O'Neill, in his business transformational book Building Business Value: How to Command a Premium Price for Your Midsized Company. The author describes how average companies sell for a mediocre value of multiples of four or five times earnings, and that poorly run companies sell for much less value. On the other hand, well run value based companies may command premium value of nine or ten times earnings. The book shows how to achieve those premium values for a mid-sized company.

Martin O'Neill considers enhancement of business value to be a leadership driven issue. Building value is based on collaboration and taking a holistic approach to transforming the company effectiveness. The author believes that leaders of a middle sized organization must take an open and honest assessment of the current status of the company. At the same time, the company's leaders must create a vision of a successful future for the business. Once the current evaluation and vision are created, a strategy can be developed to transform the company into a premium valued business.

Martin O'Neill (photo left) recognizes that not all companies are enhancing value for immediate sale or public share offering. Instead, building a superior company can be a longer term process that adds value and creates a stronger business in the marketplace. The author's emphasis is on the process of becoming a great organization, that transforms itself from the ordinary to the extraordinary, and how that is the core of the leader's purpose. As a result, the visionary leader must think constantly about the future, whether in terms of products and services, the industry, or the economy. At the same time, leaders must make a personal commitment to building value, and instill that sense of commitment in their leadership team.

For me, the power of the book is the practical approach to building value in a medium sized company. The author points out that increasing company value is an ongoing process, that requires vision, commitment, and continual improvement and growth, to transform the organization. Martin O'Neill helps his readers by illustrating his concepts with many graphs, diagrams, and flow charts, so that any business leader can follow the process step by step. Since the sale or transfer of ownership of the company is the pay day for the organization's leadership, the author considers it crucial that value be maximized. As a result, the book's focus is on creating a well run business, with dedicated leaders and employees who share in the leader's vision.

I highly recommend the value building textbook Building Business Value: How to Command a Premium Price for Your Midsized Company by Martin O'Neill, to any business leader who seeks to create a vision for creating premium business valuation. The book guides the leader in transforming a lackluster company into a superior business that will build a current and future value well above the usual benchmarks for the industry as a whole.

Read highly readable and practical book Building Business Value: How to Command a Premium Price for Your Midsized Company by Martin O'Neill, and discover how to build not only greatly enhanced monetary value in a company, but to leave a powerful and lasting business legacy as well. Reading this book will pay off for business leaders in much more than money, but in greater satisfaction for everyone in the company as well.

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