Friday, July 24, 2009

Make Their Day!, Second Edition by Cindy Ventrice - Book review

Make Their Day!, Second Edition

Employee Recognition That Works

By: Cindy Ventrice

Published: May 2009
ISBN-13: 9781576756010
Format: Paperback, 220pp
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

"It is a simple fact: people who feel valued perform at a much higher level", writes President of Potential Unlimited Seminars, Cindy Ventrice, author of the seminal and completely revised guide to employee recognition that works, Make Their Day!, Second Edition: Employee Recognition That Works. The author explains why traditional employee incentive programs fail, and why intangible rewards that focus on the human needs of employees, are much more effective in achieving their goals.

Cindy Ventrice understands that employees value praise, thanks, opportunity, and respect in the workplace. Employees want to find meaning in their workplace, and they want their contributions to be recognized and valued on a human level. This deep psychological craving for respect and recognition far outweighs tangible incentives, including money. Cindy Ventrice points out correctly, that organizations that value and trust their employees, are more effective at meeting deadlines, providing superior products and services, and achieve greater success. The author provides examples of real companies where traditional employee incentive programs had failed, and were turned around to profitability by an employee recognition culture.

Cindy Ventrice (photo left) recognizes that there is no universal best practices solution that applies to all companies, in all circumstances. Instead, the author believes that employee recognition corporate cultures are as individual as the companies themselves, and the people who they employ. Cindy Ventrice points out that leadership from company executives is needed to build a new company culture, and to build it into the corporate DNA, so that it becomes second nature for everyone. At the same time, the financial, employee turnover, and productivity results from the recognition program require measurement. When real gains are demonstrated by the intangible rewards, the culture will internalize the concept even more deeply into all of its activities.

For me, the power of the book is the author's deep understanding of what is really important to employees. The author provides many real world examples of employee recognition plans that worked well, as well as additional ideas for consideration in other organizations. Instead of expensive bonus and incentive systems, elaborate perks, or plaques on the wall, the most effective recognition programs provide real meaning to work. People want and deserve to recognized and thanked for their accomplishments. At the same time, they want the opportunity to grow as employees and as people. People who are appreciated on a personal level are more productive, have greater job satisfaction, and will take on more responsibility effectively.

I highly recommend the essential employee recognition book Make Their Day!, Second Edition: Employee Recognition That Works by Cindy Ventrice, to anyone seeking to add meaning to work, and to develop an employee recognition culture that works. In difficult economic circumstances, the free intangible rewards suggested in the book, are especially important, as they save money, enhance productivity, and boost profits.

Read the organization changing book Make Their Day!, Second Edition: Employee Recognition That Works by Cindy Ventrice, and stop wasting your time, and that of your employees, on ineffective traditional incentive plans, In their place, instituting the more meaningful intangible rewards will create results that will make everyone in the organization beam with pride.

For additional employee recognition information and resources, visit at author Cindy Ventrice's website.

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