Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gracious Living On Social Security by Valerie Kent - Book review

Gracious Living on Social Security

How an Older Woman and a Younger Man Made Style Affordable

By: Valerie Kent

Published: February 23, 2009
Format: Paperback, 152 pages
ISBN-10: 0615211569
ISBN 13: 978-0-615-21156-5
Publisher: Tree Farm Books

"Having to live within our Social Security income forced us to address our concerns and establish new priorities. The challenge was to turn limited assets to the best advantage while living gracefully in the process", writes eighty-eight year old enthusiast for living life to the fullest Valerie Kent, in her practical yet personable book Gracious Living on Social Security: How an Older Woman and a Younger Man Made Style Affordable. The author describes in detail how to live a respectable and fulfilling life in retirement, while earning only a modest pension income.

Valerie Kent understands that people arrive at retirement with vastly different levels of wealth and income. She shares personal details of her finances, and those of her husband, in a manner that gives their retirement life in St. Petersburg, Florida a personal touch. Along with sound financial advice for budgeting a fixed income, Valerie Kent describes how to eat well and stay fit, so that life can be enjoyed for many decades after retirement. Her goal is to help retirees live an enriching and satisfying life, while ensuring that personal finances don't become a problem. She succeeds well in that department, and even adds useful advice for taking a part time job, should money be required for an unexpected purpose or a desired lucury.

Valerie Kent entered retirement in relatively difficult financial circumstances following her divorce, that left her very low on funds. Her subsequent marriage, and its financial ramifications, provides a useful budgetary framework for weddings at any age. Her discussion of travel and independence is great advice for any senior citizens who wish to fulfill lifelong dreams of seeing distant lands, both safely and without breaking their bank accounts. Her advice on fitness and proper diet is well backed with sound money management tips to ensure that these crucial health issues are not forgotten or ignored due to cost. Overall, her goal of helping retirees live their golden years with grace is achieved very well indeed.

Foe me, the power of the book is how Valerie Kent describes how to turn a modest income into a very fulfilling retirement, complete with travel and a wide circle of friends, without scrimping and pinching pennies like a miser. Indeed, the advice on purchasing clothing at a fraction of its cost, to ensure that one always looks their best, is valuable knowledge for people of any age. The advice on purchasing healthy food and maintaining physical fitness is essential for everyone at every stage of life. The book succeeds well at its primary purpose of helping retirees ro live well on the fixed income of Social Security.

I highly recommend the retirement enhancing book Gracious Living on Social Security: How an Older Woman and a Younger Man Made Style Affordable by Valerie Kent, to anyone at or near retirement age who desires a rich and rewarding life beyond their employment years. The advice is especially important during a recessionary economy, whether the reader is a senior citizen, or a much younger person seeking to live a graceful life on a reduced income.

Read the personal and helpful book Gracious Living on Social Security: How an Older Woman and a Younger Man Made Style Affordable by Valerie Kent, and live life in retirement with grace and dignity. The author demonstrates clearly that a wonderful retirement on a fixed income is not only possible, but not that difficult to achieve with a little planning and care.

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